JAKARTA - A tectonic earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 that rocked Talaud Regency, North Sulawesi, on Saturday at 07.43.55 WIB with the epicenter located at coordinates 2.99° North Latitude: 126.64° East Longitude, or precisely located at sea at a distance of 112 km southwest of Melonguane City at a depth of 23 km, according to the BMKG, does not have the potential to cause a tsunami.

In a written statement in Jakarta, Saturday, the BMKG said the earthquake that occurred was a shallow type of earthquake due to deformation or faulting of the Maluku Sea Plate. The results of the analysis of the source mechanism show that the earthquake has an upward fault movement mechanism.

The earthquake shock was felt in the Sangihe III-IV MMI area (when many people felt it in the house during the day), Tomohon, Bitung, Boltim II MMI (the vibration was felt by several people, light objects that were hung swayed).

BMKG: Gempa tektoknik Kepulauan Talaud tidak berpotensi tsunami  Gempa Tektonik Magnitudo 6,2 di Talaud, BMKG: Tak Berpotensi Tsunami JAKARTA - Gempa tektoknik dengan magnitudo 6,2 yang mengguncang Kabupaten Talaud, Sulawesi Utara, pada Sabtu pukul 07.43.55 WIB dengan pusat gempa terletak pada koordinat 2,99° LU : 126,64° BT , atau tepatnya berlokasi di laut pada jarak 112 km arah darat daya Kota Melonguane pada kedalaman 23 km, menurut BMKG tidak berpotensi menimbulkan tsunami. Dalam keterangan tertulis di Jakata, Sabtu, BMKG menyebutkan gempa bumi yang terjadi merupakan jenis gempa bumi dangkal akibat adanya deformasi atau penyesaran pada Lempeng Laut Maluku. Hasil analisis mekanisme sumber menunjukkan bahwa gempa bumi itu memiliki mekanisme pergerakan sesar naik. Guncangan gempa bumi dirasakan di daerah Sangihe III-IV MMI ( bila pada siang hari dirasakan oleh orang banyak dalam rumah ), Tomohon, Bitung, Boltim II MMI ( getaran dirasakan oleh beberapa orang, benda-benda ringan yang digantung bergoyang ). foto Hingga saat ini belum ada laporan dampak kerusakan yang ditimbulkan akibat gempabumi tersebut. Hasil pemodelan menunjukkan bahwa gempa bumi tidak berpotensi tsunami. Hingga pukul 08.45 WIB, hasil monitoring BMKG menunjukkan adanya delapan aktivitas gempa bumi susulan ( aftershock ) dengan magnitudo terbesar 5,8 dan terkecil 3,5. Masyarakat diimbau agar tetap tenang dan tidak terpengaruh oleh isu yang tidak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan kebenarannya. Agar menghindari dari bangunan yang retak atau rusak diakibatkan oleh gempa. Periksa dan pastikan bangunan tempat tinggal anda cukup tahan gempa, ataupun tidak ada kerusakan akibat getaran gempa yg membahayakan kestabilan bangunan sebelum anda kembali ke dalam rumah. Pemantauan Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud segera melakukan koordinasi dengan pihak desa dan kecamatan. Saat gempa terjadi warga Kecamatan Melonguane, Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara (Sulut) tidak merasakan guncanan gempa. Aktivitas masyarakat berjalan normal. Selanjutnya, Pusat Pengendali Operasi (Pusdalops) BNPB menerima laporan gempa susulan dengan magnitudo 5,8. Gempa susulan yang terjadi pada pukul 07.51 WIB berada 113 km tenggara Kecamatan Melonguange. Pusat gempa yang berada di laut ini berkedalaman 10 KM. Berdasarkan pemodelan, gempa tidak memicu tsunami. Selang tujuh menit, gempa susulan kembali terjadi dengan magnitudo 5,1. Pusat gempa berada pada 112 km barat daya Kecamatan Melonguane dengan kedalaman 34 km. foto atau embed Pada gempa-gempa susulan ini, BPBD setempat melaporkan warganya tidak merasakan guncangan. Masyarakat tetap beraktivitas normal. BMKG melaporkan hingga pukul 08.25 WIB, lima kali aktivitas gempa susulan atau aftershock dengan magnitudo terkecil magnitudo 3,6. Dari hasil koordinasi dengan pihak kecamatan, guncangan gempa dirasakan lemah tiga hingga lima detik di Kecamatan Salibabu. Menurut BPBD belum ada informasi dari pihak desa di kecamatan tersebut yang terdampak sejauh ini. Sedangkan informasi dari pihak kecamatan Tahuna, warga setempat tidak merasakan guncangan gempa. Masyarakat tampak beraktivitas normal. BNPB terus melakukan koordinasi dengan BPBD Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud untuk mendapatkan informasi terkini pascagempa. BNPB mengimbau warga untuk tetap waspada dan siaga terhadap potensi bahaya gempa maupun menyikapi informasi-informasi yang beredar di tengah masyarakat. Informasi yang tidak benar atau hoaks dapat berdampak buruk dalam menyikapi situasi paska kejadian.     Gempa menyebabkan retak/pecah lantai tegel RSUD Mala, Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud, Sulawesi Utara. (Foto Antara).
The earthquake caused cracks in the tiles of the Mala Hospital, Talaud Islands Regency, North Sulawesi. (Intermediate Photo).

So far, there have been no reports of damage caused by the earthquake. The modeling results show that the earthquake has no potential for a tsunami.

As of 08.45 WIB, BMKG monitoring results showed that there were eight aftershock activities with the largest magnitude of 5.8 and the smallest of 3.5.

The public is advised to remain calm and not be influenced by issues that cannot be justified. In order to avoid buildings that are cracked or damaged by the earthquake. Check and make sure the building where you live is earthquake-resistant enough, or there is no damage due to earthquake vibrations that endanger the stability of the building before you return to the house.


The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of the Talaud Islands Regency immediately coordinated with the village and sub-district authorities. When the earthquake occurred, residents of Melonguane Subdistrict, Talaud Islands Regency, North Sulawesi Province (North Sulawesi) did not feel the earthquake shock. Community activities are running normally.

Furthermore, the BNPB Operations Control Center (Pusdalops) received reports of aftershocks with a magnitude of 5.8. The aftershock that occurred at 07.51 WIB was 113 km southeast of Melonguange District. The epicenter of the earthquake was in the sea at a depth of 10 KM. Based on the modeling, the earthquake did not trigger a tsunami.

After seven minutes, another aftershock occurred with a magnitude of 5.1. The epicenter of the earthquake was 112 km southwest of Melonguane District with a depth of 34 km.

In these aftershocks, the local BPBD reported that its residents did not feel the shaking. People continue their normal activities. BMKG reported that as of 08.25 WIB, five aftershocks or aftershock activity had the smallest magnitude of 3.6.

From the results of coordination with the sub-district, the earthquake shock was felt weak for three to five seconds in Salibabu District. According to BPBD, there has been no information from the villages in the sub-district that have been affected so far.

Gempa di Kepulauan Talaud. (Twitter @BMKG)
Earthquake in the Talaud Islands. (Twitter @BMKG)

While information from the Tahuna sub-district, local residents did not feel the earthquake shock. People seem to be doing normal activities.

BNPB continues to coordinate with the Talaud Islands Regency BPBD to obtain the latest post-earthquake information. BNPB appealed to residents to remain vigilant and alert to potential earthquake hazards and to respond to information circulating in the community. False information or hoaxes can have a negative impact on responding to post-event situations.

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