JAKARTA - Government spokesman for the handling of COVID-19 Achmad Yurianto (Yuri) explained that as many as 678 people were confirmed as new positive cases as of Friday, May 29. In total, 25,216 positive patients with COVID-19.

The increase in the number of positive confirmed cases was the result of specimen examination using the saliva method (swab) using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and rapid molecular test (TCM). About 300,545 specimens have been examined from 205,165 people.

From the same examination, 6,492 people were negative or recovered. This figure is the total with the addition of 252 patients from the previous number.

Then, based on the data, the death cases due to COVID-19 increased by 24 cases. So, 1,520 patients have died due to contracting COVID-19.

Likewise, for the case of people under monitoring (ODP) the number reached 49,212 people. Meanwhile, for patients under surveillance (PDP) it reached 12,499 people.

The addition of positive DKI cases came from migrant workers

Based on data, the DKI Jakarta area is still the largest contributor to positive cases with 125 cases. However, said Yuri, this addition did not occur due to local or person-to-person transmission. Rather, from migrant workers who entered Indonesia.

Most of the migrant workers who arrived in Indonesia through Soekarno Hatta airport tested positive for COVID-19 after undergoing medical examinations.

"Many of them (migrant workers) are positive. So this is not a picture of the administrative area of DKI Jakarta as a whole but also a picture of migrant workers," said Yuri.

However, when seeing additional cases of positive cases in Jakarta without involving migrant workers, the number is still fairly stable. However, Yuri did not specify the number of cases.

"If we look specifically at DKI Jakarta, this figure is quite stable from day to day," said Yuri.

Few cities without positive cases

Yuri also revealed, from the data received, there were some areas where positive COVID-19 cases were not found. Among them, Aceh, Bangka Belitung, then Jambi, West Kalimantan, North Kalimantan, West Sumatra, Central Sulawesi and West Sulawesi.

In addition, in the other five regions there were only a few additional positive cases. Only one to three positive cases per day.

"The addition of cases between 3 and 1 cases was in the Riau Islands, Gorontalo, Yogyakarta, Bemgkulu and Southeast Sulawesi," Yuri concluded.

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