JAKARTA - c. So that the case of death in NTT currently reaches 526 people.

"There have been an additional seven deaths due to being infected with the corona virus in NTT on Wednesday, July 7," said spokesman for the NTT COVID-19 Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling Marius Ardu Jelamu in Kupang, Thursday.

He said the seven COVID-19 patients who died were spread across five districts on the island of Flores.

He said the COVID-19 patient who died came from Sikka, Ngada, and Manggarai regencies each one, while Ende and Nagekeo regencies had two patients each.

He said that there were eight regions in NTT that had the highest death cases from COVID-19 since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the area in March 2020, namely Kupang City with 188 cases, East Sumba Regency 50 cases, East Flores 30 cases, Kupang Regency 30 cases. , Ende 24 cases, West Manggarai 27 cases, Manggarai 22 cases, and West Sumba 22 cases.

He said the handling of COVID-19 patients who died was carried out in accordance with the COVID-19 prevention health protocol.

Marius said COVID-19 patients who died generally had a history of congenital illness.

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