JAKARTA - A total of 15 COVID-19 patients queued at the ER Wonosari Hospital, Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, because the isolation room was full.

Director of the Wonosari Hospital, Heru Sulistyowati, said that his party had increased the number of beds for confirmed COVID-19 patients by 14 beds, bringing the total to 75 beds.

"The isolation room is full, so patients with confirmed COVID-19 who need treatment are lining up at the Emergency Room (IGD). There are 15 patients still queuing," he said in Gunung Kidul, reported by Antara, Tuesday, July 6.

Even though there is a queue of COVID-19 patients in the ER, his party does not close services for the non-COVID-19 community. Non-COVID-19 patients are served in the BPBD assistance tent.

"Non-COVID-19 patients who need treatment and handling are handled in tents set up in front of the Wonosari Hospital," he said.

He said the number of health workers who had to undergo self-isolation because they were confirmed positive caused the management to temporarily close one ward or isolation place.

The closed ward is a third class nursing ward for surgical patients. Those who enter the third grade can later be treated in another class ward, namely the second or first class.

"Currently there are 42 nurses who are still self-isolating. Previously there were 97 people who underwent self-isolation because they were confirmed positive, so we had to close one ward," he said.

Head of the Gunung Kidul Health Service, Dewi Irawaty, said that currently there are 134 isolation beds in total, but 10 beds cannot be operated because they do not have oxygen.

"If the patient is forced to do it, it's not finished because the oxygen is shared with other people, in the end this bed is not operated first," he said.

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