JAKARTA - Various efforts are being made by the central government to stop the backflow from outside into Jakarta. This is done to prevent the spread of the corona virus or COVID-19 from returning travelers. One of them is the road blocking by the Police.

The National Police have established 116 isolation posts on the islands of Java and Sumatra in order to anticipate the backflow after Idul Fitri 1441 Hijriah.

Director of Security and Safety of the National Police's Korlantas Brigadier General (Pol) Chryshnanda Dwilaksana said that as many as 116 isolation points covered 32 points of East Java, 16 points of Central Java and 20 West Java. Then, DKI Jakarta 18 points, Banten 15 points and Lampung 45 points.

Chryshnanda explained, in its implementation, the National Police asked the public to have the same perception that these blocking posts did not merely prohibit people from doing mobility. However, the post was made to anticipate the transmission of the corona virus or COVID-19.

Furthermore, Chryshnanda hopes that the limitation on mobility can also create social solidarity among the people. This includes not blaming each other or doing provocation.

"Let's build all of this with awareness, mutual care and motivation, because this problem should become a symbol of civilization itself," he said in a video conference with journalists, Wednesday, May 27.

Moreover, he said, officers on duty in the field are also quite prone to contracting COVID-19. Therefore, the public is asked to have a shared awareness of the dangers of this virus.

"The police themselves are also dangerous to be infected. So there are restrictions with a virtual system, this is to reduce inter-personal communication. We understand that this is humanity so that we don't get infected, don't transmit it, and everything is separated from the pre-disaster era of COVID-19," he said.

Government More Decisive

The Director of Infrastructure for the Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency (BPTJ) of the Ministry of Transportation, Edi Nursalam, stated that the government will be more firm in prohibiting people who have gone home to return to overseas, especially to the DKI Jakarta area.

Edi said, the ban to return was carried out in order to maintain the condition that the spread of COVID-19 in DKI Jakarta was decreasing from time to time.

"We strongly support the policy to continue to maintain the condition of the DKI Jakarta area as the epicenter of the morning in accordance with the meeting with the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, with Pak Luhut, we must be stricter to prohibit any backflow," said Edi.

Especially in Jabodetabek, the Directorate General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation together with Korlantas Polri have built 11 insulating points to limit the entry and exit of vehicles from and to DKI Jakarta.

This, in accordance with the Regulation of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Number 47/2020, each person must pocket an Exit and Entry Permit (SIKM), complete with the required files, which have been regulated in the Circular (SE) of the Task Force for Handling COVID-19.

Edi said, although this rule is contained in the DKI Pergub, in reality its application is also being followed in other regions. This is because DKI Jakarta is connected to each other with the surrounding areas.

Not only that, according to Edi, supervision at other entrances was also tightened, such as at airports, where prospective passengers not only have to complete files and have SIKM, but also have to bring PCR test kits with negative test results.

Then in the railways, regional trains are not run, but there are only extraordinary trains which are also very limited. Meanwhile, on the main road, only one bus terminal is active, namely at Pulo Gebang.

"In principle, we have anticipated, with the enactment of Permen No. 25/2020 until May 31 and DKI Governor Regulation No. 47/2020, in a meeting with the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs at least until June 7. But maybe after that the existence of SIKM will continue," he said.

Involve RT / RW

Chairman of the Indonesian Transportation Society (MTI) Agus Taufik Mulyono said, apart from depending on their respective awareness, the heads of RT and RW in areas where homecoming people can be relied on to persuade travelers not to return to Jabodetabek for a while.

"The heads of RT and RW can be relied on as a figure educating them not to reverse flow, because they know the data, culture, habits, gestures of the people in the area, so they can educate," he said.

Monitoring of human movement must be tightened to prevent a spike in new cases of COVID-19. Because of that, continued Agus, the focus now is not only on prohibiting backflow, but also thinking about the impact that will occur due to backflow.

According to Agus, apart from involving the local RT / RW, the government should also think about creating jobs in the village. This is important in order to support the travelers not returning to Jabodetabek.

"So jobs must be opened in the village, so we can prevent them from returning to the city," he explained.

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