JAKARTA - The Golkar Institute again held the Executive Education Program for Young Political Leaders (education program for young leaders) for the 2nd generation. At this moment, the chairman of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, hopes that all cadres are ready to face the corona pandemic.

The event was opened virtually by the chairman of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, Monday, July 5. This activity was not only attended by Golkar cadres from Jakarta, but also cadres from various regions. “We hope that this activity will always be something that young cadres participate in. Especially to handle public policies in a very difficult era that requires extra ordinary steps and no country has ever experienced dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic," said Airlangga.

The emergence of several new strains, especially strains from India, according to Airlangga, has made the world experience a second shock. "Indonesia applies Emergency PPKM to reduce the high transmission rate," said Airlangga.

In addition, Indonesia currently continues to carry out vaccinations as a series of important actions to prevent further transmission. "To implement herd immunity, we hope that vaccinations in October and above can reach three million (per day) m," said Airlangga. For now, the average vaccination is still below one million, but with the availability of vaccines, it is hoped that the target can be achieved.

Airlangga emphasized that the task of the Golkar Party and all its cadres who serve as leaders of DPRD in the regions, as well as regents or mayors and governors must encourage central policies. "We have to take one step, one effort so that this nation is safe from the pandemic," said Airlangga.

Airlangga Hartarto also hopes that the national economy will recover which will reduce the poverty rate, so that Indonesia's poverty level will remain at the single digit level. The Coordinating Minister for the Economy of the Republic of Indonesia also reminded that job creation is the most important of all current scenarios.

In addition, he also reminded that the public still had to continue to implement health protocols. It is hoped that this will become a new normal even though the community has been vaccinated twice. "After achieving herd immunity, then we will take different steps," said Airlangga.

He hopes that this Golkar Institute event can look for breakthrough steps to get out of the COVID-19 pandemic. And able to formulate the next public policy.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Governing Body of the Golkar Institute, Ace Hasan Syadzily, said that this event will be held on July 5-10, 2021. "This training event is different from the previous one. Previously, it was offline. Emergency PPKM has now been implemented. So it is fully implemented online", said Ace, Sunday 4th July.

This event was attended by 33 participants on a limited basis. These 33 participants are the result of a rigorous selection process with criteria for age under 40 years, active in youth organizations or NGOs, have English language skills and write essays.

"This second batch of education was attended by 33 people. Some were members of the DPRD and organizational activists. All of these participants were from various regions throughout Indonesia," said Ace.

Several speakers at the event included Jerry Sambuaga (Vice Minister of Trade), Philips J. Vermonte (Executive Director of CSIS) and Andhyta Firselly Utami (Co-Founder of the Think Policy Society).

For international reputation speakers, there are Prof. Kishore Mahbubani (Singapore), Prof. Eko Prasodjo, Prof. Hamdi Muluk, Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang, and regional heads and senior politicians.

During this short education, participants will study geopolitics, public policy, leadership, Indonesian economy, political communication, political psychology and workshops on campaigns.

That is Airlangga Hartarto's hope for Golkar cadres, both those who participated in this training and those who did not, and wherever they were.

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