JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government issued a policy for workers who do not work from home or WFH during the emergency PPKM period to have a worker registration certificate (STRP).

In the Instagram account @dkijakarta, STRP was created to ensure that people who carry out mobility are workers who are allowed to work outside or work from office (WFO).

"The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government enforces a worker registration certificate (STRP) during the emergency PPKM, July 5-20 2021," wrote the dkijakarta account on Sunday, July 4.

The STRP applies to both essential sector workers and critical sector workers. Essential sectors include communications and IT, finance and banking, capital markets, payment systems, non-COVID-19 quarantine handling hotels, and export-oriented industries.

Then, critical sectors include businesses in the fields of energy, health, security, logistics and transportation, food, beverage and supporting industries, petrochemicals, cement, national vital objects, disaster management, national strategic projects, construction, basic utilities, and industry to fulfill the basic needs of society.

In addition, individuals other than workers can also make STRPs if they have urgent needs such as sick visits, funeral or funeral visits, pregnancy or childbirth, and their companions.

"STRP is excluded from ministries/agencies and government agencies, both central and regional, such as the TNI, Polri, Bank Indonesia, OJK, and others," he wrote.

STRP can be made on the page http://jakevo.jakarta.go.id. First, the STRP applicant fills out the form and uploads the required conditions. Then, the file will be verified by UP PMPPTSP.

"The issuance of STRP is a maximum of 5 hours after the requirements are declared complete," he continued.

Then, the published STRP can be downloaded at http://jakevo.jakarta.go.id. When checking STRP in the field, just show the QR code via cellphone to the officer.

The requirements for making STRP are:

1. Applicant's ID card

2. Assignment letter from the company (if the group can attach the name, ID card number, residential address, and destination address).

3. Vaccine certificate (transition period of 1 week from announcement or statement of the vaccine in the recent time).

4. 4x6 color photo (the group must attach it to the attachment of the assignment letter).

The requirements for individuals with urgent needs are:

1. Applicant's ID card

2. Vaccine certificate (transition period of 1 week from announcement or statement of the vaccine in the recent time).

3. Color 4x6 photos.

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