JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ambassador to New Zealand, Tantowi Yahya, highlighted the implementation of the Java-Bali Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) which will start from 3 to 20 July 2021.

According to him, the implementation of the Emergency PPKM aims to break the chain of transmission of COVID-19. Indonesia can also learn from New Zealand and other countries.

"PPKM is not an easy decision but it must be taken by the government. Learning from New Zealand and other countries, lockdown is the best way to break the chain of transmission," wrote Tantowi Yahya on his Instagram account @tantowiyahyaofficial, Sunday, July 4.

He also gave a portrait of the quietness of several streets in Jakarta which signifies Indonesia's compliance with this policy.

The New Zealand Ambassador to Indonesia expressed his appreciation to the Indonesian people for complying with the Emergency PPKM.

"Thanks to our friends in Indonesia who obeyed it. At home it's better than outside, contracting and transmitting COVID-19," he said.

Tantowi also hopes that with the cooperation of all parties, the number of COVID-19 in Indonesia will decrease and disappear after the Emergency PPKM is implemented.

"God willing, with the above permission and the cooperation of all of us, the number of cases and deaths due to Covid in our country will soon drop and then disappear," said Tantowi.

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