Gunungkidul - The Joint Team for the Emergency PPKM Task Force of Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, brought order to seven buses carrying groups of tourists. They are desperate to travel in the Pulang Syawal Beach Area or Indrayanti Beach.

The acting head of Gunungkidul Satpol PP Heri Sukaswadi, said that on Saturday, July 3 morning a joint team carried out patrols at a number of crucial points, one of which was in the coastal area.

When patrolling the Pulang Syawal Beach area, officers found seven buses parked. Joint officers consisting of the TNI, Polri Satpol PP and the Regent who were in the field then gave directions so that the group from various cities immediately left the tourist area.

"The group came from Bojonegoro, Kudus, and others. We gave understanding and then they automatically left the coastal area," said Heri Sukaswadi.

He said that based on the recognition of the tourist coordinator, this group of tourists entered Pulang Syawal Beach since Friday, July 2, so they still escaped the guard post at TPR. Then today will just leave the tourist location.

"On Friday (2/7) no new policy has been implemented, so they can still enter," said Heri Sukaswadi.

Meanwhile, Secretary of the Gunung Kidu Tourism Office Harry Sukmono confirmed this. Then starting today, the government officially closed the tourist attraction, at every TPR post it was closely guarded by tourism officers along with rule enforcers. Large buses and private vehicles that want to enter the tourist attraction are driven away by officers.

"Today, tourists who want to enter we ask to turn back. Since this morning we have been dispelling them in front of the TPR post," said Harry.

At the JJLS TPR, the guard officers also block tourists who want to enter the beach. There were about five private cars and 15 motorbikes that were asked to turn around by the officers. Officers will also take care of every day to repel tourists who are desperate to enter.

"If yesterday was still able to enter. What we ask for a return is only those who do not bring negative rapid antigen results, but for today until next July 20, we ask for a return," he said.

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