JAKARTA - Shopping center outlets inside malls, such as modern supermarkets (supermarkets), pharmacies to food and beverages will remain open with restrictions on categories and visitor capacity, during the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) on July 3-20.

Chairperson of the DKI Indonesian Shopping Center Management Association (APPBI) Ellen Hidayat in Jakarta, Friday, detailed a number of outlets allowed to operate during the Emergency PPKM 3-20 July 2021, namely supermarkets, supermarkets selling daily necessities, pharmacies, pharmacies, drug stores. , ATM Center and banking services in malls, as well as food and beverages (Food & Beverage/F&B).

"The F&B category is allowed to operate, but can only serve take-away purchases and also with a delivery system. Non-F&B category outlets outside these categories cannot operate during the Emergency PPKM period," said Ellen, quoted by Antara, Friday, July 2nd.

APPBI DKI, which has 85 shopping centers in Jakarta, stated that generally only 10-18 percent of outlets are allowed to operate during Emergency PPKM.

However, shopping center managers continue to support the policy to tackle the spike in active cases through Emergency PPKM.

APPBI hopes that after July 20 or the Emergency PPKM period is over, all shopping center outlets can operate again.

The government is also expected to be more careful in knowing and handling the spread of COVID-19, so that the regulations issued are more targeted.

Before the Emergency PPKM was implemented, the shopping center had carried out various complete health protocols to date.

"In fact, some shopping centers have added touchless equipment and installed ultra violet (UVC) system disinfectants so that until now it can be said that shopping centers in DKI are not a COVID-19 cluster," said Ellen.

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