JAKARTA - The Special Autonomy Task Force (Timja) of the DPD RI stated that it would continue to oversee the discussion of the Problem Inventory List (DIM) of the Papua Special Autonomy Bill. Where the DPR and the government have agreed on 21 DIM.

West Papua Senator, Filep Wamafma, said the DPD Special Autonomy Team appreciated the attitude of the leadership of the Special Committee (Pansus) of the DPR RI and the Working Committee (Panja) for providing room for the addition of other articles besides the 3 articles of the Special Autonomy Law previously proposed by the government.

Filep said that the DPD RI Teamja had requested to unify the DIM proposed by the DPD RI in order to facilitate the discussion of the DIM on the Special Autonomy Bill.

According to him, the General View and DIM DPD RI have contained and represented the aspirations of various institutions in Papua, especially to accommodate the aspirations of the Papuan people. Thus the Papua Special Autonomy Law Volume 2 which will be produced later will be in accordance with the expectations of the Papuan people.

"DPD RI in general view and in the Problem Inventory List (DIM) has accommodated a number of regional aspirations, both through the Papuan and West Papuan People's Assembly, Papua and West Papua DPR, as well as the community. Therefore, the DIM proposed by the DPD RI is actually the DIM which, if it can be accommodated by all parties, both the DPR and the government, will answer the Papua issue," said Filep in a statement to reporters, Friday, July 2.

Filep is optimistic that the DIM discussion will run smoothly and as expected. He hopes that the DIM discussion can prioritize the aspirations of the Papuan people which have been conveyed through regional and central representative institutions.

“We have seen the DIM from each faction in the DPR RI and it seems to me very synergistic with what was proposed by the DPD RI. So in terms of discussion later there will not be much debate. We also hope that the government, especially the Ministry of Home Affairs as the leading sector, does not have to defend something that will not answer the substance of the problems in Papua, but on the contrary, the government also wants to hear the aspirations of the DPR RI," he explained

In addition, the Chairman of STIH Manokwari also hopes that the government and factions in the Special Committee and Panja DPR RI can understand the political dynamics that are happening. According to him, the discussion of DIM must also be able to accommodate the interests of local politics and national politics in a balanced way.

“Local Papuan politics will affect national political interests. Likewise, national political interests will also affect local political interests. Both are things that have a close relationship," he explained.

Filep Wamafma added that ministers, especially the Minister of Home Affairs, the Minister of Politics, Law and Security and other ministries included in the Special Autonomy Committee of the DPR RI can understand President Joko Widodo's vision and mission in an effort to build the welfare of Papua. He hopes that there are no other interests that will only create a distance or gap between the president and the people in Papua.

“Ministers must be able to understand the president's political stance. Not the other way around, the president's attitude towards Papua's Otsus which prioritizes a justice and welfare approach is then interpreted differently. We have followed the President's views on Papua and this must be inspired and respected by the relevant ministries," he said.

"Not the other way around, the ministry actually creates a gap between the President and the people in Papua. We will continue to encourage this so that President Jokowi in ending his term of office lays the right foundation for development in Papua," concluded Filep Wamafma.

Previously, the Special Committee (Pansus) of the DPR agreed on 21 proposals for the Problem Inventory List (DIM) related to the revision of the Law (UU) on Papua's Special Autonomy (Otsus). Previously, all factions proposed 146 DIM for discussion.

This agreement was decided in a working meeting with the Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej and the Director General of Regional Autonomy of the Ministry of Home Affairs Akmal Malik, at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, July 1.

“The 21 DIMs are permanent and we agree that we will collectively ratify all of these articles, and we cannot discuss this again after we move forward. Agree?" said the Chairman of the Special Committee, Komarudin Watubun, in a virtual monitored meeting, Thursday, July 1. In addition to approving the 21 DIMs, the Special Committee also agreed that DIM 1 through 5 were reformulated by the Formulating Team. Once formulated, the DIM will be discussed in a follow-up working meeting which is planned to be held on Monday, July 5. "In a more in-depth discussion, later the discussion of the Papua Autonomy Bill will be carried out based on clusters without ignoring the order of DIM numbers. So, it is hoped that the discussion will be carried out thoroughly," he said.

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