JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) asked for a detailed explanation regarding the distribution of COVID-19 social assistance (bansos) to Jakarta residents by the DKI Provincial Government.

This was done during coordination meetings and supervision of the DKI social assistance program in 2020 and 2021. The KPK heard directly from the DKI Jakarta Social Service regarding the allocation of distribution and realization of social assistance, details per number of stages, mechanism and scope of work, value of each contract for each partner and achievements and implementation monitoring mechanism.

Head of the Regional II Coordination and Supervision Task Force, Dwi Aprillia Linda Astuti, said that his party hoped that there would be an openness of field facts from the DKI Provincial Government.

"Monitoring the evaluation of the social assistance program in the context of handling COVID-19 has actually been carried out since last year and we found many obstacles, such as data cleansing due to data differences with the Ministry of Social Affairs," said Linda in a written statement, Thursday, July 1.

The Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Social Service, Premi Lasari, answered the KPK's question. Premi explained that the social assistance budget ceiling for basic needs for residents affected by COVID-19, ATK, officer incentives and meeting consumption in 2020 for all 11 stages of distribution, amounting to Rp3.68 trillion with a realized value of Rp3.66 trillion.

Meanwhile, the budget allocation for the 4 stages of distributing cash social assistance in 2021 is Rp. 1.55 trillion with a realization of Rp. 1.19 trillion.

In terms of procurement of social assistance goods/services, Premi emphasized that in 2020 there will be no subcontracts to vendors, only direct providers who enter into engagements/contracts with Social Services and are selected by the direct appointment method.

"Three partners were selected, he said, namely Perumda Pasar Jaya, PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya, and PT Trimedia Imaji Rekso Abadi. Perumda Pasar Jaya contract value for distribution of 11 stages with a total of 10,103,259 packages amounting to Rp.2.85 trillion," explained Premi .

"Meanwhile, the contract value of PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya for the distribution of stages 3 and 4 with a total of 1,236,125 packages amounting to Rp370 billion. Meanwhile, the contract value of PT Trimedia Imaji Rekso Abadi is for the distribution of stages 6-11 with a total of 1,418,096 packages amounting to Rp425 billion," he added.

In addition, the PPK for the provision of social assistance, Ika Yuli Rahayu, explained in more detail about the beneficiaries. Areas that intersect with the assistance of the Ministry of Social Affairs or Presidential Assistance are North Jakarta, West Jakarta, Central Jakarta and South Jakarta.

"If residents have received from Banpres, PKH, or other routine assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs, they are no longer allowed to receive from the Provincial Social Assistance. For the Thousand Islands and East Jakarta, we get the whole social assistance,” said Ika.

Ika explained that the results of the audit conducted by the Inspectorate, BPK and BPKP on the 2020 COVID-19 Social Assistance program did not contain significant findings, only data that still needed to be corrected. However, the Perumda Pasar Jaya audit itself has not yet been completed.

Responding again, Head of the Coordination and Supervision Task Force Region II KPK Dwi Aprillia Linda Astuti suggested the DKI Provincial Government to carry out data cleansing and reconciliation for the distribution of social assistance in 2021. Then, funds that were not channeled must be returned to the Social Service's account as soon as possible.

"In addition, in distributing social assistance, it is hoped that the Inspectorate will continue to provide assistance during planning and implementation, including conducting post-audits in the context of evaluation," concluded Linda.

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