JAKARTA - Two medical personnel who were members of the COVID-19 Task Force were shot by members of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Wandai District, Intan Jaya Regency. Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Pol Ahmad Musthofa Kamal, then explained the chronology of the shooting incident.

He said the shooting took place on Friday, May 22 local time. Two of the victims were Alemanek Bagau and Heniko Somau.

"Intan Jaya personnel received information from one of the medical personnel on duty at the Intan Jaya District Health Office that two medical personnel were shot," Kamal said in a written statement, Saturday, May 23.

Alemanek Bagau and Koni Somou were shot while the two were delivering medicines related to COVID-19. Due to this incident, Heniko Somau was declared dead while Alemanek was declared in a critical condition.

"Pastoral Wandai is still being treated and his condition is critical," he said.

In the aftermath of this incident, Kamal emphasized that he would continue to pursue the shooter. In fact, today, Intan Jaya Police Chief AKBP Yuli Karre Pongbala together with members of the police and TNI will go to the location and evacuate the victim.

It's just that, handling cannot be done immediately. Given that the shooting scene was in an area that was quite remote and difficult to access. In fact, it took five hours to get to that location.

"Currently at the scene, namely in Wandai, there is no police post and no telecommunication network. Of the eight districts in Intan Jaya, only three districts are occupied by troops," he said.

Meanwhile, the five districts, namely Tomasiga, Agisiga, Ugimba, Wandai, Iyandoga, have no security posts and members of the police on guard.

Kapendam XVII / Cenderawasih Colonel CPL Eko Daryanto then explained that Alemanek Bogau was the head of the Kampung Wandai Community Health Center while Koni Somau was an employee of the Intan Jaya District Health Office. As for the condition of the two, they were injured by a machete strike.

"The provisional motive for the persecution is because the separatist group considers the two victims to be spies for the TNI / Polri apparatus," said Eko.

He then explained that after the attack on the two medical personnel, the security condition in Wandai Camp, Homeo District, is now safely under control. "The joint military / police apparatus are still carrying out investigations and pursuing the perpetrators of the persecution," he concluded.

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