JAKARTA - The government strictly prohibits going home. But many of these prohibitions are also underestimated. The proof is, from 28 days of carrying out the ketupat operation, the police succeeded in thwarting the departure of more than 25 thousand vehicles that were suspected of leaving Jakarta.
Polda Metro Jaya has prepared 18 isolation points in their jurisdiction. There are 2 on toll roads and the rest on arteries outside toll roads. Of the 18 blocking posts, the police have issued 70 thousand blank warning forms to motorists.
In fact, 25,691 vehicles were ordered to make a U-turn toward Jakarta. If this car escapes surveillance, at least more than 77 thousand people - who have the potential to carry COVID-19 - will come to their hometowns.
"Some of the sanctions we have imposed, reprimands, provided a form of reprimand that was delivered for 28 days, has reached 70 thousand reprimands," said the Head of Metro Jaya Police, Inspector General Nana Sujana.

Developments on Thursday, May 21 or D-3 Lebaran 2020, PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk together with the police and the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) thwarted 8,013 vehicles suspected of going home. They were diverted to the Cikarang Barat 3 Toll Gate (GT) to return to Jakarta.
General Manager Representative Office 1 Jasamarga Transjawa Tollroad Widiyatmiko Nursejati stated, of the total 8,013 vehicles transferred, 7,732 were private vehicles and 281 were passenger vehicles.
"The increase in the number of vehicles issued has caused congestion ahead of the Transportation Control check point location at Km 31 Cikarang Barat on the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road," wrote Widiyatmiko Nursejati in his statement, Friday, May 22.
The increase in vehicles does not mean an increase in traffic leaving Jakarta. But precisely because of the increasingly tight supervision of vehicles leaving the Jabotabek area from the authorities.
"Our observation at the Cikampek Utama Toll Gate (GT) for last Thursday (21/5), the number of vehicles leaving Jakarta to go to the Trans Java Toll Road decreased by around 43 percent when compared to normal Average Daily Traffic (LHR), "he continued again.
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