BOGOR - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Bogor, West Java opened the recruitment of health volunteers after 90 health workers (nakes) in all Regional General Hospitals (RSUD) were positively exposed to COVID-19.

"Recruitment of health volunteers is a priority for handling COVID-19 patients in isolation centers and hospitals," said Bogor Regent Ade Yasin as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, June 29.

According to him, the recruitment will be carried out by the Bogor Regency Health Office (Dinkes) simultaneously at Cbinong, Ciawi, Cileungsi, and Leuwiliang hospitals. Volunteers who are interested are welcome to come and register at the four hospitals belonging to the Bogor Regency.

The head of the Bogor Regency COVID-19 Handling Task Force said that many health workers were positively exposed to the increasing daily cases of COVID-19 transmission after Eid Al-Fitr 1442 H.

"The increase in active positive cases after Idul Fitri and until June 23, 2021 was 75.8 percent," he said.

In addition to opening the recruitment of health volunteers, the Regent also instructed every private hospital in his area to increase inpatient rooms at least 30 percent of the original capacity according to the Regulation of the Minister of Health (Permenkes).

Ade Yasin will write to every private hospital to prepare a special room for the treatment of COVID-19 patients.

"We must optimize the self-isolation center and establish an isolation center at the village level for asymptomatic (OTG) patients," said Ade Yasin.

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