JAKARTA - The COVID-19 Task Force for the City of Depok, West Java, strictly prohibits children under the age of 5, pregnant women and the elderly (elderly) from entering the shopping center or mall area.

"Shopping centers or malls, supermarkets, minimarkets are also operating at the operating limit, which is until 19.00 WIB, with a capacity of 30 percent," said Head of the Depok City COVDI-19 Handling Task Force Mohammad Idris in his statement, reported by Antara, Tuesday, June 29. .

The prohibition is based on the Mayor's Decree (SK) Number 443/263/Kpts/Dinkes/Huk/2021 dated June 28, 2021 concerning the Extension of the Eight Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) Proportionally Pre-Adaptation of New Habits (IMR) for Prevention, Handling, and Corona Control through the Eighth Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

The policy is valid for one week, starting from June 29 to July 5, 2021.

Based on the release from the United Against COVID-19 (BLC) Central Task Force on June 29, 2021, after 22 weeks Depok City was in the medium risk zone (orange), this week Depok City along with 9 other districts/cities in West Java returned to the area. the category of areas with high risk zones or red zones, with a score of 1.8.

For this reason, Mohammad Idris, who is also the Mayor of Depok, reminded the public to strictly maintain health protocols, namely wearing masks, washing hands and keeping a distance by not crowding.

"Stay at home if there is no emergency," he said.

Idris further said that for residents who need complaint services, currently, apart from complaint services at each Puskesmas, contact persons have been appointed in each sub-district from elements of the District COVID-19 Supervisory Team.

For ambulance services, apart from 119 and Puskesmas, residents can contact the Ambulance of the Fire and Rescue Service and the Depok City PMI Ambulance.

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