JAKARTA - The problem with the winning bidder for electric motorbikes with the signature of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is considered to have been resolved due to ignorance. The auction winner, M. Nuh, thought that the Rp. 2.5 billion motorbike was a prize.

Based on the results of the police investigation, M. Nuh admitted that he did not understand the event he was attending. When he was named the winner of an electric motorcycle, he thought he would get it for free.

Jambi Regional Police Chief Inspector General Firman Shantyabudi said that for this reason M. Nuh, who was the focus of the Bimbo Sharing Love Together, United Against Corona concert on Sunday, May 17, was not proven to have committed a criminal act of fraud.

"So there is no element of fraud and so on. Only because they do not understand the event being held," said Firman, Thursday, May 21.

In addition, Firman emphasized that the news about M. Noah's arrest was not true. This is because the man was only arrested and examined after reporting to the Market Police, Jambi City.

Asking for police protection from the auction money collectors is the reason. M. Nuh, who did not know the auction regulations, was afraid because he was asked to pay for an electric motorbike worth billions of rupiah.

"Because he was afraid of being charged, he asked the police for protection and reported to the Market Police, Jambi City," said Firman.

It depends on the committee

Al Azhar University criminal law observer Suparji Ahmad said, if the reason in the matter was pure ignorance, then, M. Nuh deserved not to be charged with criminal law. Because, based on the applicable law there are two factors for the elimination of crime, justification and forgiveness.

In this matter, M. Noah can be categorized as the party being forgiven. The reason for ignorance is what makes criminal law not subject to him.

"In the auction case, perhaps he can be forgiven for his ignorance," said Suparji.

However, the forgiveness factor must also be strengthened by the committee. Because, they could have made a police report because they felt cheated. Later, the organizer's decision will determine whether the matter is stopped or processed.

"The legal process is influenced by the organizer, it wants to be processed or stopped," said Suparji.

The committee for the Sharing Love with Bimbo concert, United Against Corona, Bambang Soesatyo said that he would not make a big deal about this. According to him, neither party was disadvantaged in this matter so that it was considered finished.

"Because neither party is harmed. Nobody is working on it. Trust in good faith and intentions," said Bambang.

In fact, the Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) emphasized that if the police detained M. Nuh, he would immediately be released.

"I give my appreciation and appreciation to the Jambi Regional Police. However, if it is true that someone has been arrested in connection with the auction of the Sharing Love with Bimbo event yesterday, please release it," Bambang concluded.

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