JAKARTA - The University of Indonesia Student Executive Board (BEM UI) is a trending topic on Twitter after posting a satirical meme of President Jokowi. In the meme uploaded by his official account @BEMUI_Official, BEM UI dubbed President Jokowi as The King of Lip Service. The meme highlights the paradox of Jokowi's statements and attitudes during his leadership so far. The 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia is considered to have often sold out sweet promises, but they are not in line with reality. Starting from longing for demonstrations, revising the ITE Law, strengthening the KPK, and a series of other promises.

Instead of getting support, BEM UI was called by the rectorate. The administrators were asked for information and explanations about the memes uploaded on social media.

The UI Chancellor then summoned a number of BEM UI administrators via letter number: 915/UN2.RI.KMHS/PDP.00.04.00/2021 which was signed by the UI Director of Student Affairs, Tito Latif Indra.

Meanwhile, Head of BEM UI Leon Alvinda Putra said that the upload was a criticism of President Joko Widodo.

They think that the President often makes statements that contradict the reality on the ground.

Despite being called by the rectorate, BEM UI still has a lot of support.

BEM Malang Raya Defends BEM UI

The Student Executive Board (BEM) of Malang Raya supports the BEM of the University of Indonesia (UI) which gave President Joko Widodo the nickname 'King of Lips Service'.

BEM Malang Raya itself is a gathering place for all BEM Universities in Malang, East Java and its surroundings.

The chairman of the Malang Raya Student Executive Board, Zulfikri Nurfadhilla, assessed that all the words that came out of the State Palace at this time only ended in mere nonsense and became a tool for those who resisted power.
"At the same time, all the sounds that can be heard from the Palace only end up being mere gibberish which in the end becomes a blow to anyone who opposes the power relations," Zulfikri said in his official statement quoted on Tuesday, June 29.

Zulfikri assessed that the content created by BEM UI has presented facts and realities that are in line with problems in society. He highlighted that so far many civil liberties have been suppressed by the repression of the apparatus to the silence of freedom of expression. massive and systematic, and the President's intervention in the rule of law," he said. Seeing this problem, Zulfikri criticized various repressive actions carried out by the apparatus against civilians. He also urged the government to guarantee the freedom of expression and opinion carried out by citizens as has been done. regulated in applicable regulations. "Demanding the government to be present again in guaranteeing freedom of expression and opinion as written in the 1945 Constitution Article 28 & Law No. 9 of 1988," he said. In addition, Zulfikri urged University of Indonesia bureaucrats to be able to guarantee freedom of expression students who have been guaranteed k "Requires University of Indonesia bureaucrats to be able to straighten their academic reasoning that freedom of opinion is substantive and corrective to the state," said Zulfikri.

Politician's View

The National Mandate Party (PAN) defended the actions of students who were members of the University of Indonesia Student Executive Board (BEM UI). After they were summoned by the rectorate for posting a meme that reads President Jokowi as The King of Lip Service aka King of Boasting on social media. According to the Deputy Secretary General of the PAN DPP Farazandi Fidinansyah, what BEM UI did should be interpreted as criticism and input for improvement. Instead of being sentenced. “PAN defends the right to freedom of expression as the essence of democracy and the mandate of reform. The campus should be a room for debating ideas, not every criticism, instead being silenced with punishment," said Farazandi in Jakarta, Monday, June 28. The member of the DKI Jakarta Provincial DPRD explained that if there were parties who disagreed with the method or content of the BEM UI statement. , then it should be conveyed in a room where ideas and ideas are debated. “I think it is too much for students to be called by the campus and said to be given guidance. In fact, space for dialogue should be opened and those who disagree can present their arguments. This is the essence of democracy and responsible freedom of expression,” he said. Farazandi, who was once a lecturer at Prasetiya Mulya University, hopes that students will continue to express their opinions and suggestions for improving the policies issued by the government.

Unlike PAN, the Gerindra Party does not agree with this designation.

"I don't agree with their statement. Pak Jokowi is working hard to carry out his main duties and functions," said Deputy Chairperson of the Gerindra Party, Habiburokhman, Monday, June 28.

Although the performance results have not been maximized, the member of Commission III of the DPR considers that it is because many are influenced by external factors. For example, regarding economic achievements that have not been good due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"In terms of the economy, for example, we know that in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, many targets have missed," he said.

Member of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives Arsul Sani considered it reasonable to criticize BEM UI in the form of memes against President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) which went viral on social media. The BEM campus with a yellow alma mater previously uploaded a photo of Jokowi 'The King of Lip Service' on Twitter on Saturday, June 26.

According to the deputy chairman of the MPR, the upload was not an attack on the dignity of the head of state. So there is no need to exaggerate. "This is not an attack on the dignity and honor or insult and blasphemy against President Jokowi," said Arsul, Monday, June 28. It is known that the BEM UI management was summoned by the Rector for the incident. The chairman of the DPR PPP faction considered the summons unnecessary if there was no threat to the students. "As long as it is not accompanied by threats of sanctions related to academic status, there should also be no need to develop a narrative that UI restricts or restricts freedom of expression," explained Arsul.

BEM UI Built

The criticism culminated in the Rectorate of the University of Indonesia (UI) who summoned the Student Executive Board or BEM UI for criticizing President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) with the poster 'Jokowi The King of Lip Service'.

UI stated that the summons was a form of coaching. "On the posting of the meme on social media, Universitas Indonesia took a firm stance by immediately calling BEM UI on the afternoon of Sunday, June 27, 2021. It's been busy since the posts they made on BEM UI's social media accounts. This summons is part of the student development process at UI," said Head of Public Relations and KIP UI, Amelita Lusia in a written statement to reporters, Sunday, June 27. Meanwhile, the Chairperson BEM UI, Leon Alvinda Putra explained the contents of the meeting. He said that the meeting discussed the statement from the spokesman for President Jokowi, Fadjroel Rachman. In addition, BEM UI also provided clarification regarding the poster. "Yes, that's right (talking about Fadjroel's statement, ed). Same asking for clarification. Information from us," said Leon Alvinda Putra to reporters, Sunday, June 27.

Government Response

The Presidential Staff Office responded to an upload by the University of Indonesia Student Executive Board (BEM UI) which referred to President Joko Widodo as The King of Lip Service.

KSP Main Expert, Donny Gahral, said that the government is not anti-criticism by the public, especially students. However, the criticism submitted must be based on data and facts so that it can be accounted for later.

"I must emphasize that the government is not anti-criticism. As long as the criticism can be accounted for, it will definitely be responded to," Donny told reporters quoted on Monday, June 28.

Donny said that the government is open to discussing and responding to existing criticisms. Including criticism about the polemic that occurred at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

"The president has opinions and opinions, of course, the KPK is independent, so all of this comes down to a collective decision. However, the president has an opinion," said Donny.

Meanwhile, regarding other criticisms where Jokowi admits he misses demonstrations but instead violence occurs when students take to the streets, Donny said this cannot be generalized. "It must be seen one by one, case by case, whether the demonstration contains a criminal element so that it is arrested," he said.

"In essence, the government is not anti-criticism, as long as the criticism is in accordance with data and facts and we respond with data and facts as well," added Donny.

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