JAKARTA - The construction of the Kayan River Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) is confirmed to continue. This is because PT Kayan Hydro Energy (KHE) targets the construction of 1 of the 5 dams of the Kayan River hydropower plant to be built by the end of this year.

Meanwhile, the construction of other dams which are carried out in parallel every year will be completed until 2026. However. the physical construction of the Kayan River hydropower dam is still waiting for a permit to determine the forest area.

“However, field or pre-construction activities continue, such as building connecting roads, explosives warehouses and others. It is planned that the warehouse will be completed in July," said Director of PT KHE, Khaeroni after an audience with the Governor of Kaltara, Zainal A Paliwang, at the Tarakan Plaza Hotel, Monday, June 28.

The construction of road infrastructure connecting public facilities and dams is also targeted for completion in October this year.

"After we have obtained the permit to determine the forest area or borrow it, we immediately carry out the construction of the dam. And it is planned for October. The dam construction time is approximately 4 to 5 years, "explained Khaeroni.

He said that by 2025, dam one will be able to operate, then dam two, whose construction is parallel to dam one and 2026, is targeted to be completed.

Khaeroni said, the Kayan River hydropower plant has a capacity of 9,000 megawatts. Kayan I Dam can accommodate up to 900 MW. While the Kayan II dam has a capacity of 1,200 MW, and 1,300 MW each for Kayan III and IV dams, and 3,200 MW for Kayan V.

"The electricity supply will be in collaboration with PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) Persero. Second, we use it for KIPI (International Port Industrial Area) Tanah Kuning. Then later if used, PLN will be connected throughout Kalimantan, and can be used for the location of the state capital in East Kalimantan," he said.

Meanwhile, the Governor of Kaltara Zainal A Paliwang said, the Kayan River hydropower plant is a renewable energy and is 100 percent environmentally friendly. He said, the progress of the Sungai Kayan hydropower plant is still in progress, both technical issues, permits and others.

“I hope that the Kayan River hydropower plant will be completed quickly. And when the process is in progress, local workers who are residents of Kaltara will be prioritized," he added.

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