40 Percent Of ER Patients At The Bekasi City Hospital Not Local Residents: We Accept, Still KTP NKRI
Bekasi Mayor Rahmat Effendi (center) when checking the Chasbullah Abdulmajid Hospital (Photo: Instagram @humaskotabekasi)

JAKARTA - Bekasi Mayor Rahmat Effendi said that nearly 40 percent of the Emergency Room (IGD) patients at the Chasbullah Abdulmajid Hospital in Bekasi City were not local residents. However, he ensured that services would still be provided even though the patients who came were not residents of Bekasi City.

"We continue to receive and provide services because we still use the NKRI ID card," said Mayor Rahmat Effendi in a statement on the Instagram social media page @humaskotabekasi on Saturday, June 26.

Rahmat admitted that the Chasbullah Abdulmajid Hospital received quite a number of patients in the last few days. This then has an impact on the increasingly limited capacity of the emergency room.

To overcome this, the Bekasi City Government (Pemda) worked around this by setting up an emergency tent in front of the emergency room.

“We set up tents because the capacity in the emergency room is limited. In addition, the ER is currently being functioned for survivors and those exposed to COVID-19 after screening or swab tests are carried out," he said.

Rahmat added, currently there have been additional 3 tents from BPBD installed in the hospital parking area.

“It means that the capacity is limited if you don't put up a tent because the people who come here must be handled quickly. Private hospitals are also full, so they are looking for an easy one with the main referral to the Chasbullah Hospital," he explained.

For information, the Bekasi City Government is known to be seeking the establishment of an emergency hospital by conjuring the Chandrabaga Stadium as a health installation for handling COVID-19 patients. Then, it was also mentioned that Budi Lestari Hospital will be used as a referral center with a capacity of 180 beds.

"We are also making additional efforts in Mustikajaya to treat patients from Pondok Melati, Bantargebang which is far from the location of the hospital. So, they can get type D facilities there,” he said.

Furthermore, he hopes that all these efforts will be able to meet the health services needed by the community.

"We want all residents to be accommodated, even if they don't have ID cards from Bekasi City. This step will be hastened for additional beds, both in the hospital and in the emergency room tent so that everything can be handled," concluded Bekasi Mayor Rahmat Effendi.

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