JAKARTA - Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin asked the religious community organizations (ormas) Mathla'ul Anwar to support the Government in preparing superior and quality human resources (HR).

"Efforts to prepare superior human resources are in line with one of the principles of the mass organization, namely as a partner of the Government in preparing quality and integrity human resources," said the Vice President while attending the Inauguration of the Great Executive and Muslimat Mathla'ul Anwar Masa Khidmat 2021-2026 virtually from Jakarta, Friday June 25.

From the Vice President's official residence, Jakarta, Ma'ruf Amin emphasized that this principle is a noble commitment that must be kept and implemented consistently and sustainably.

As an Islamic organization engaged in education, da'wah, and social affairs, the Vice President hopes that Mathla'ul Anwar will continue to synergize with the Government, especially in dedicating the works and creations of its members for the progress of the nation.

In addition to developing education in various regions, the Vice President also encourages these organizations to contribute to empowering the community in the economic field by fostering an entrepreneurial spirit and providing job skills training.

"Such community empowerment efforts will have a significant impact on improving people's welfare, especially during this difficult time of the COVID-19 pandemic that we are facing," said the Vice President as reported by Antara.

In the event, the Vice President also appreciated the performance of Mathla'ul Anwar who helped the Government in community welfare and development.

The vice president asked all PB Mathla'ul Anwar to provide solutions and innovations in the face of the proliferation of hoaxes, provocations, and content containing extreme teachings in the current era of media openness.

"I believe Mathla'ul Anwar will continue to set an example in education that produces innovative, productive, competitive, integrity, national-minded human resources, and has noble character," said Ma'ruf Amin.

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