JAKARTA - The police have named four suspects in the shooting case in the Mangga Besar area, Taman Sari, West Jakarta during the dispersal of an alcohol party by residents. Police previously arrested 10 people in this case.

"We have named four suspects," said West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Ady Wibowo to reporters, Thursday, June 24.

The four suspects had the initials JP (46), HS (41), DT (36), FW (25). They have different roles, ranging from shooters to possession of firearms (senpi).

"The suspect, JP, was carrying a revolver. HS, DT and PW were in possession of sharp weapons," said Kombes Ady.

From the results of the examination, the suspects gathered around drinking alcohol to celebrate the birthday of one of his colleagues.

At that time, they disturbed the local residents with noise. Until then the residents reprimanded them but instead they responded with shootings.

"It made the residents uncomfortable. After that, quite a lot of people gathered to warn them," said Kombes Ady.

Evidence for the shooting at Taman Sari (Police DOK)

In this case, the four suspects were subject to multiple articles, namely, Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951 regarding firearms and Child Protection Article No. 23 of 2002 and Articles of the Criminal Code 354 and 338 with threats of 20 years in prison.

Previously, it was reported that the student with the initials MIS (18) was shot by an unknown person (OTK). The shooting was suspected because the perpetrator did not accept being disbanded during a liquor party.

As a result of the incident, the victim suffered three gunshot wounds. Two on the right hand and one in the armpit.

The police moved quickly to deal with the case. Not long after, a number of people were arrested in the Tebet area, South Jakarta. The number of people arrested is 10 people, two of them are women

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