JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion has permitted the implementation of the 1442 Hijri Eid Prayer in mosques, prayer rooms, or fields in areas outside the red and orange zones, high and moderate risk zones for COVID-19 transmission. can be held in open fields or in mosques/musalas only in areas that are declared safe from COVID-19 or outside the red and orange zones based on the determination of the regional government and the local COVID-19 Handling Task Force," said Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas as quoted in the statement. a press release from the ministry in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Wednesday, June 23. "The Eid prayer 1442 H/2021 M in open fields or in mosques/musalas in the red and orange zone areas will be cancelled," he added.

The Minister of Religion has issued a circular regarding guidelines for the implementation of Eid al-Adha worship during the COVID-19 pandemic. The circular letter is addressed, among others, to the Head of the Provincial Office of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag), Head of Regency/City Ministry of Religion, Head of Religious Affairs Office, leaders of Islamic organizations. According to a circular letter from the Minister of Religion, the implementation of Eid prayers outside the red and orange zones must comply with health protocols to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. 50 percent of the capacity of the place, checking the body temperature of the congregation, as well as ensuring that the congregation brings their own prayer equipment, maintains distance, and wears masks during worship activities. return from a trip, according to a circular letter from the Minister of Religion, it is not allowed to carry out Eid al-Adha prayers in open fields or mosques or prayer rooms. According to a circular letter from the Minister of Religion, preachers must also wear masks and face shields when delivering sermons and limit the duration of the sermon to a maximum of 15 minutes. "This is implemented in order to protect the community," said the Minister of Religion. Takbiran to welcome Eid al-Adha in principle may be carried out in all mosques and prayer rooms with limited participants, a maximum of 10 percent of the room capacity. mobile takbir activities should not be carried out because they can cause crowds which increase the risk of COVID-19 transmission.

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