JAKARTA - The Jakarta Association of Indonesian Journalists (PWI) held an Orientation for Candidates for PWI Members. The orientation this time was the 10th batch which took place at the PWI Jakarta Secretariat, Prasada Sasana Karya Building, Central Jakarta, Wednesday 23 June. In this activity, the Chairman of PWI Jakarta Sayid Iskandar again emphasized the importance of professionalism and adherence to the Journalistic Code of Ethics (KEJ) for all journalists.

This member orientation activity was attended by 25 participants. Because it is still in the pandemic period, this event applies strict COVID-19 health protocols. Participants must keep their distance, wear masks and prepare hand sanitizer.

For material; The PWI Basic Guidelines/Household Guidelines delivered by the Deputy Chairperson of the PWI Organization Division, Jaya Irmanto. As for the Journalistic Code of Ethics (KEJ), Law No: 40/1999 on the Press, as well as guidelines or laws related to the press, such as the Guidelines for Covering Cyber Media, Guidelines for Child-Friendly Reporting, were conveyed by Treasurer of PWI Jaya Iqbal Irsyad. Meanwhile, the material for Writing Techniques/Essays was delivered by the Deputy Head of Education at PWI Jaya, Budi Nugraha.

Orientasi Wartawan PWI Jakarta kali ini diikuti 25 peserta. (Istimewa)
This time the PWI Jakarta Journalist Orientation was attended by 25 participants. (Special)

Chairman of PWI Jaya Sayid Iskandarsyah said the orientation held was very beneficial for journalists, especially how a journalist was organized. He added that every journalist is free to choose the organization they want. "Please choose the most suitable journalistic organization according to you. Because there will be many benefits of being organized," he said.

Sayid also emphasized that joining the PWI organization should not only be to obtain legality or identity. In this context, Sayid regrets that there are still violations committed by journalists who are members of PWI.

“The PWI card is not meant to scare or pressure other people when something goes wrong. This PWI card is our identity as members of the journalists' organization," he said

A journalist is also regulated in a code of conduct in carrying out his profession. Sayid asked the participants to carry out the journalist profession properly in accordance with the code of ethics.

For this reason, he hopes that the material presented by this resource person can be useful for journalists in carrying out their duties in the field. "Moreover, a journalist carries out social control functions," he added.

Professionalism and obeying the KEJ, said PWI Jakarta Sayid Iskandar is a fixed price for all PWI members wherever they are. "This is what separates professional and unprofessional journalists. Professional journalists always follow the standards and will obey the KEJ," he said.

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