JAKARTA - PT General Energy Bali (GEB) PLTU Celukan Bawang, Gerokgak District carried out the COVID-19 vaccination for 94 foreign workers. This is a further step for PT GEB to protect workers from the corona virus.

There were 93 foreign workers from China and one Japanese worker who took the vaccination on Monday afternoon, June 21. In this vaccination there is one employee who cannot be injected with the vaccine because of an allergic condition.

"The first phase of the vaccine has been completed. A total of 94 people (foreign workers) have been vaccinated," said General Affair PT GEB PLTU Celukan Bawang Indriati Tanu Tanto when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, June 22.

In addition to the 94 foreign workers who received the vaccine, six local workers also underwent the second stage of vaccination. Yesterday's vaccination participants were followed by employees from several fields of work.

"These six local workers are workers who have not received the first or second stage of vaccine," said Indriati.

Indriati explained that yesterday's vaccination was carried out by 15 medical personnel. They came from Tangguwisia General Hospital.

Waiting for the second stage of the vaccine in preparedness
Vaccination against COVID-19 at PLTU Celukan Bawang (Source: Special)

Phase two of the COVID-19 vaccination will be held on July 19. And even though the vaccination is almost complete, Indri said that his party will not slack off in implementing the health protocols.

PT GEB disciplinedly maintains a culture of reminding each other to wash hands regularly, keep a distance and wear masks. Everything that PT GEB has done, said Indri, is a form of alignment with the Indonesian government's appeal as well.

This is in line with the central government's appeal so that vaccine recipients do not neglect the process. "We want to follow the central government's policy in a disciplined manner. Don't just take the vaccine and ignore the prokes, it's not good," Indri explained some time ago

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