MEDAN – Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution received a visit from Pariaman Mayor Genius Umar. During the visit, the two mayors discussed how to optimize old buildings as tourist destinations.

The visit which took place on Thursday, June 17, Genius Umar, was specially dressed in traditional Malay oversized clothes by Bobby A Nasution before entering the meeting room.

Genius Umar said that this visit was deliberately scheduled for a joint discussion by inviting several OPD heads of the Pariaman City Government as well as learning about the Medan City Government's smart strategy in an effort to make old buildings with historical value into tourism visit areas.

Walikota Pariaman Genius Umar beserta jajaran melakukan kunjungan ke Walikota Medan Bobby Nasution. (Foto Pemkot Pariaman)
Pariaman Mayor Genius Umar and his staff paid a visit to Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution. (Photo of Pariaman City Government)

"This has been proven by the attractiveness of the concept of offering historical tourism, because in Pariaman City there are also many historical buildings and objects that we will use as cultural heritage tourism," said Genius Umar in a press release received by the VOI editor on Friday, June 18.

Not only that, according to the Deputy Mayor of Pariaman, the discussion also includes the strategy for handling the Pariaman Government in managing waste, and market management which is packaged in a modern and technology-based manner.

Genius Umar hopes that by studying at the Medan City Government, it will have a positive impact on the development of Pariaman City.

At the end of the visit, the two regional heads exchanged souvenirs, and Genius did not forget to invite Bobby A Nasution to spend his time to visit Kota Pariaman.

The Pariaman city government in a series of activities to meet Bobby Nasution also promoted Pariaman City MSME products. On that occasion, Genius Umar also explained the program to make Pariaman City a Water Front City.

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