Unanimous Vote Supports Airlangga To Become Chairman Of Golkar
Golkar Party National Conference (Mery Handayani / VOI)

JAKARTA - The DPD's support for Airlangga Hartarto is almost unanimous at the X Golkar Party's National Conference to become chairman again for the 2019-2024 period. As his rival, Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) has already resigned from the fight.

Political observer of the Islamic State University (UIN) Jakarta Adi Prayitno said that Airlangga must be able to embrace the Bamsoet camp in the management of the Golkar Party DPP and AKD in the DPR.

The withdrawal of Bamsoet, said Adi, also indicates that Golkar will not be divided and solid. As well as ensuring the stability that exists within Golkar. However, this does not apply if it does not accommodate the stronghold of the opponent.

"There must be lobbying and compromise. For example, accommodating Bamsoet loyalists. That is normal. You will get a position. Conflict will occur if Airlangga does not accommodate the Bamsoet camp, there will be noises," said Adi, when contacted by VOI, in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 4.

Adi believes that Airlangga will accommodate and will not ignore Bamsoet loyalists. Because Airlangga's type is a technocratic leader.

"I see Airlangga will accommodate anyone who is fighting, not only Bamsoet. So his promises and commitments will be fulfilled. So far, Airlangga is accommodating his tendencies," he said.

Meanwhile, University of Al-Azhar Political Observer Ujang Komarudin assessed that the attitude of Bamsoet's legowo and his loayalis was only temporary. This is because they are currently waiting for Airlangga's decision to accommodate him if he is re-elected as chairman.

"If Airlangga is not accommodated, it will be like coals in the husks. Fostering more hatred towards Airlangga," he said.

Airlangga, said Ujang, would continue to be harassed by Bamsoet supporters until he fulfilled his promise. However, it didn't shake Airlangga's position as chairman.

"Because Airlangga was legally elected and Airlangga could not be shaken as long as he was backed up. Maybe 10 to 20 percent of Bamsoet loyalists could be accommodated," he said.

Golkar Party National Conference (Mery Handayani / VOI)

Airlangga will accommodate the Bamoset camp

Chairman of West Java DPD I, Dedi Mulyadi said, the National Conference is a reconciliation forum, where various opinions are united. Reconciliation is carried out, in which the reconciliation is agreed upon by consensus. Next, compile the management composition.

"We leave it completely to the mandate holders, especially the chairman who compiles the composition. The general chairman is a reconciliative person, I say this is a reconciliative leader," he said.

Regarding the deal made regarding the AKD composition, Dedi said he did not know that. However, this may become Airlangga's policy in the next leadership.

Meanwhile, regarding whether Bamsoet loyalists will be accommodated by Airlangga after his appointment as general chairman. Dedi believes that Airlangga will do this.

"So far, Mr. Airlangga has been accommodating. Never mind AKD matters. Mr. Bamsoet should be the chairman of the MPR," he said.

On the other hand, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Golkar Party, Abu Rizal Bakrie (ARB), emphasized that Bamsoet's resignation in the candidacy for party chairman was not due to fear of losing his position as Chairman of the MPR.

As is well known, the success of Bamsoet in occupying the position as Chairman of the MPR was inseparable from Airlangga's role as party chairman. During his first speech after being appointed as Chairman of the MPR, Bamsoet also expressed his gratitude. Even expressing support for Airlangga.

"Yes, of course I think if Mr. Bamsoet resigns the reason is not the position. The reason is so that chaotic politics does not interfere with national development. That is Pak Bamsoet's main reason," said ARB.

Moreover, he said, as chairman of the MPR, Bamsoet was responsible for development in Indonesia. He considered, Bamsoet has a big soul. This is because if there is a political disturbance within the Golkar Party, then national politics will also be uneasy.

"Because it will also be able to interfere with national development. So based on that he said yes I have resigned from the nomination. Great spirit," he said.

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