JAKARTA - The meeting of United States (US) President Joe Biden with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva, Switzerland, Wednesday, June 16, is said to be a test for Russia's relations with China.

In the midst of the Western spotlight on Russia and China, observers see no other choice for the two but to increase their alliance regardless of the outcome of today's meeting.

Moscow and Beijing, both facing confrontation from the West, see no other choice but to continue to bolster their alliance regardless of the outcome of the Russia-US summit in Geneva, Shi Yinhong, a professor of international relations at Renmin University in Beijing, told South China. Morning Post.

"In the current climate, China and Russia have no choice but to strengthen their strategic, military and diplomatic cooperation," said Shi Yinhong, professor of international relations at Renmin University in Beijing.

According to him, NATO and the G7 have caused more antagonism between the US and Russia with their communique, and the Geneva talks will not change that much.

"Biden wants to repeat the US hardline stance when he goes to Geneva," Shi said.

In addition, he expects arms control will be one of the focuses of the meeting, once the two sides agree to extend the New START treaty that limits nuclear weapons.

"Perhaps they will discuss measures to prevent a worsening of gun control," he said.

Meanwhile, US affairs expert at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Lu Xiang said Washington could try to defuse tensions by making concessions on Russia's Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to Germany, which the US strongly opposes.

"President Joe Biden will test President Vladimir Putin and try to make trade-offs, in an attempt to break up Sino-Russian relations," Lu said.

"However, Moscow will continue to pursue closer ties with Beijing, and there may be more engagement in the second half of the year."

As previously reported, President Joe Biden and President Putin will meet at Villa La Grange, Geneva, Switzerland on June 16. A number of agendas are said to be discussed at the meeting, which is planned to be attended by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

As part of security measures, Villa La Grange will be closed to visitors from June 8-18. Regional authorities announced tightened security measures on June 14-17. In particular, unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) flights are prohibited in Geneva. A special security zone has been created around the summit venue, covering the adjacent Parc La Grange and Parc des Eaux Vives.

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