BANYUWANGI - A video of a teacher crying while receiving a farewell gift from a student has gone viral on TikTok.

The video was uploaded by a student of SMA Negeri 1 Giri Banyuwangi, East Java, named Caton Gilang Alzauzy (18) via the TikTok account @mascaton.

In the video, a number of high school students came to the residence of a teacher named Retno. The student handed over a gift that Retno initially mistook for perfume or perfume.

But after being opened, it turns out that the parcel is in the form of a cell phone. Retno burst into tears. To date, the video has been viewed 1.4 million times with 22 thousand comments.

Caton said the gift giving took place after the night of the release of the students of SMA Negeri 1 Giri Banyuwangi, on Friday, June 11.

That night, Retno also said goodbye to her students for retiring. Class XII IPS 2 students want to give a gift to the teacher who is considered kind and patient.

"On the eve of the release of his students he also said goodbye to retire. He was very patient, he couldn't get mad at students who were naughty like me. He always rebuked him in a very gentle way, his attention to students was very high," he said when contacted, Tuesday, June 15.

Caton gave an example of breaking fast together during fasting. The teacher suddenly came and paid for the food.

"He often helps underprivileged students in class," he said.

When giving the gift, Caton and his friends admitted that they were touched because Retno had cried.

The idea of giving away a cell phone has long been planned. At first, the students were confused in determining the gift. Until the intention to buy a cellphone appears.

"The camera is also not good. There I immediately thought of a class joint venture to buy a new cellphone," he said.

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