JAKARTA - Chairman of the PDI Perjuangan Branch (DPC) Kendal Regency, Central Java, Ahmad Suyuti admitted that he received Rp508 million from former Social Minister Juliari Batubara which was handed over by his technical team named Kukuh Ary Wibowo.

"There is a deposit from the Minister, Mr. Juliari Batubara (the amount is quite large, around Rp. 500 million in Singapore dollars, which is 48 thousand Singapore dollars," said Suyuti at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor), as reported by Antara, Monday, June 14. .

Suyuti became a witness for the accused former Minister of Social Affairs Juliari Batubara who was charged with accepting bribes of Rp. 32.482 billion from 109 companies providing social assistance for COVID-19.

"Equivalent to IDR 508.8 million," added Suyuti.

Suyuti admitted that the money was given at the Grand Candi Hotel Semarang during a meeting between the Minister of Social Affairs and the companions of the Family Hope Program (PKH).

"The money was put in an envelope, after it was handed over, I just pocketed it," said Suyuti.

Suyuti said she did not know where the money came from. "Initially, I received a call from Mr. Adi Wahyono, he said that later in Semarang there would be a deposit, also initially it was not conveyed who was entrusted," added Suyuti.

Adi Wahyono is the Head of the General Bureau of the Ministry of Social Affairs as well as the Budget User Authority (KPA) at the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"I was called by Mas Kukuh. 'Mas here, mas', just around there. This is mas to help the activities of the DPC and PAC (Branch Subsidiary Management), then I say thank you," said Suyuti.

After that, Suyuti then gathered with the administrators of the DPC PDIP Kendal. The money, said Suyuti, had been used up to support the PDIP regent candidate Tino Indra Wardono.

"In the BAP you explained 'After I received Kukuh's money as money deposited by Minister of Social Affairs Juliari in Singapore dollars, I took the money and showed it to my friends at the PDIP Kendal DPC Office. look first with Mr. Munawir as the head of PDIP's internal victory for the election where areas that still have the potential to be won will be given operational funds', is that true?" asked the KPK Prosecutor.

"That's right," replied Suyuti.

Suyuti then exchanged the money at the money changer for Rp. 508.8 million, then Rp. 458.8 million was transferred to Suyuti's account and Rp. 50 million was brought in cash and handed over to the village kiai and party officials to win the election during the Kendal PDIP DPC meeting. Meanwhile, Rp458.8 million was distributed to potential communities in Kendal Regency.

The money, said Suyuti, had been returned to the KPK.

"After this incident, we were called and we were shocked too. I felt guilty. Finally, I asked for 1.5 months to 2 months to return the IDR 508.8 million," said Suyuti.

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