JAKARTA - Flash floods hit Central Aceh Regency, Aceh Province, on Wednesday, May 13 at 15.00 WIB. This natural disaster damaged 57 houses.

"There are 31 units of heavy damaged houses and 26 units moderately damaged," said Head of Data Information and Communication Center for the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Raditya Jati to reporters, Thursday, May 14.

Raditya said flash floods in Aceh were triggered by high rain intensity, plus unstable hilly soil conditions. As a result, water and mud flowed profusely. Building materials so that the vehicle is swept away.

The affected areas in this district are in several districts. In the district of Kebayaan, the villages affected by flash floods are Paya Tumbi Induk, Paya Tumpi Baru, Pinangan and Mount Balohen.

Bebesan Subdistrict, the affected village in Daling Village. The village road of Daling Village is buried by mud material. However, the road can still be passed by two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles.

Then, other districts affected by flash floods are in Bukit Subdistrict (Mutiara Baru Village), Mesidah District (Cemparam / Pakat Jeroh) and Permata (Wih Tenang Toa Village).

The bridge connecting Wih Tenang Toa Village and Bakongan Hamlet was also cut off due to this disaster. As a result, access to Bakongan Hamlet was completely cut off and two wheels and four wheels could not pass.

"Data temporarily affected include 4 injured victims from Paya Tumbi Baru Village and 1 other from Paya Tumbi Induk Village," said Raditya.

Furthermore, as many as 33 residents affected were displaced, while around 56 residents fled to their homes. Those who evacuate are accommodated in SD Negeri 3 Kebayaan. The local government through the Central Aceh Social Service has prepared a public kitchen to meet the nutritional intake of the survivors.

The local government also distributed aid to residents and deployed heavy equipment. Heavy equipment in the location immediately clean up the banjir bandang material.

"The regional government, led by BPBD, assisted by TNI, Polri and Tagana personnel, is working to ensure the process of evacuation and cleaning of landslide materials, especially on road access," concluded Raditya.

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