JAKARTA - Security forces at the border must act firmly and strictly in monitoring the flow of vehicles and people entering and leaving an area. Moreover, this person comes from the Corona virus or COVID-19 pandemic area.

This is to support the enactment of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) to prevent the spread of the virus. This is because the border apparatus is one of the strongholds for the spread of the virus.

"There is no such thing as being fooled or feeling reluctant and compromising. Moreover, they are also tricked by various reasons and modes. The firmness of the apparatus and ASN is highly demanded in border areas and this is so that the implementation of the PSBB runs according to expectations," said Member of Commission II DPR RI Guspardi Gaus. quoted from DPR.go.id, Tuesday 12 May.

He said, 3 provinces and 21 regencies / cities in Indonesia have carried out the PSBB. Some have even entered stage II. However, the implementation in the field is still not optimal. Where there are still many violations in various regions in Indonesia, both from the community itself and the officials who have not been optimally carrying out their duties related to the handling of this Corona outbreak.

For example, in the border area between West Sumatra and Riau, the border crossers are allegedly taking advantage of the surrounding community by giving "tribute" so that the passer can safely enter West Sumatra. This embarrassing incident went viral on social media.

"Likewise in Sukabumi and other borders in West Java, travel drivers chase with officers and many other cases of violations in various regions in Indonesia," he explained.

He stated that various persuasive efforts had been made by the government to ensure that citizens obey the PSBB regulations. Light sanctions such as on-site push-ups and reverse direction for vehicles trying to cross various regions in Indonesia. In fact, several regions have even threatened with light criminal sanctions for those who violate them. This is solely to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic which is almost evenly found in various regions in Indonesia.

"Some of these cases are expected to be a lesson for other regions and that the security apparatus and ASN who are tasked with 'securing' the border areas work extra hard and firmly enforce the rules," he said.

Guspardi asked that SOPs related to the arrival of people into an area must really be considered. Not passing the applicable terms and conditions, entry must be refused. Various modes will be played here. The apparatus must be firm and extra tight. Do not allow any leeway. So far, there have been gaps and loopholes in the field

"We don't have to find out who is wrong at this time so that it has an impact on the increase in positive victims of Corona. Until Monday (11/5), there were 14 thousand confirmed positive Corona people. We need togetherness and our solidarity in dealing with this Corona outbreak. involved in enforcing the rules during the implementation of the PSBB. Likewise, the community must comply with government recommendations regarding PSBB. This is where the meaning of togetherness and cohesiveness is expected in breaking the chain of spreading the Corona virus, "he concluded.

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