SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) prohibits coffee shops or angkringan from opening 24 hours. The goal is to anticipate the spike in COVID-19.

"This policy is based on the results of an assessment of the risk management for COVID-19 transmission, using public health indicators," said Deputy Secretary of the Surabaya City COVID-19 Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling, Irvan Widyanto, during an audience with the Surabaya Warkop Association, Wednesday, June 9.

Irvan said that the relaxation of business operating hours proposed by the Surabaya Warkop Society to be open 24 hours could not be done. This decision is based on the results of the COVID-19 Task Force assessment with health experts regarding the pandemic conditions in the City of Heroes.

"So the direction from the Mayor is to ask for input from the COVID-19 Task Force, including public health experts. From the results of the meeting, it is not allowed to open up to 24 hours," said Irvan.

The consideration, continued Irvan, was because there was still an increase in COVID-19 cases in Surabaya. Moreover, in Bangkalan Regency itself, the development of cases is currently increasing and has the potential to enter Surabaya.

"So this decision is based on the results of the COVID-19 Task Force assessment with public health experts," he said.

Meanwhile, a representative from the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) Surabaya, Meivi Isnoviana, said the relaxation policy for dining establishments could potentially cause a spike in COVID-19.

"So because the conditions are not yet possible. Moreover, the current situation is still an increase in COVID-19," said Meivi.

Meivi said that there is no prohibition for coffee shops or angkringan in Surabaya to open. However, the operating hours stipulated in the business relaxation policy are limited to 22.00 WIB. "Actually, it's not impossible to open it. But the limit is indeed until 10 pm. Moreover, this new virus spreads very quickly and is not easily detected," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Advisor for the Persakmi Jatin Regional Management, Estiningtyas Nugraheni, said that if it was handled wisely with the current conditions, every activity could not be carried out exactly the same way before the pandemic.

"Therefore, we need to be aware of it together. Even if (operational hours) are reduced, it does not mean limiting large rights. Because the opportunity to do business is still there," said Esti.

Therefore, Esti reiterated that even though the restrictions were imposed, people were still allowed to open their businesses. Moreover, when viewed from the potential for economic turnover at night it is also less than during the day. "So the situation does not allow for changes to the relaxation policy to make it more relaxed," he said.

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