JAKARTA - Chairperson of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 Doni Monardo said the government was considering the risk of danger that might arise in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic if houses of worship including mosques were reopened.

Based on the direction of Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, said Doni, the opening of places of worship depends on the current conditions in the community.

"Regarding the desire to open a place of worship, the Vice President reminded the meeting participants that opening a place of worship really depends on whether there is still a danger that threatens it or not," Doni said in a press conference after a limited meeting which was broadcast on the Cabinet Secretariat YouTube account, Tuesday, May 12. .

Doni said, if until the Eid Al-Fitr there were no significant changes, the Eid prayer would not be carried out in congregation at the mosque as in previous years. Vice versa. "If there is no danger, we can pray," said Doni.

The idea of relaxing places of worship was conveyed by the Minister of Religion (Menag) Fachrul Razi during a joint working meeting with Commission VIII DPR RI on Monday, May 11 yesterday. He said this idea would soon be conveyed to President Joko Widodo.

"As an example of the problem of relaxation of places of worship, we indeed intend to propose. If there is relaxation, especially in transportation facilities, in malls, we also try to offer relaxation in places of worship," said the Minister of Religion at the meeting.

According to him, he had discussed this idea with a number of Director Generals within the Ministry of Religion. "But we have not submitted it (to President Jokowi)," he said.

"We already had the idea and I talked to several Director Generals, they answered, 'there are many things that we need to prepare, including the person in charge'. I said, 'the person in charge, yes, maybe the person in charge of each house of worship'," he added. .

MUI Keeps Asking People to Worship at Home

Although the government is currently conducting a study on the possibility of relaxing places of worship, Secretary General of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Anwar Abbas emphasized that his party still asks the public, especially Muslims, to continue to worship at home to avoid COVID-19.

"MUI calls on Muslims and all elements of society to continue to prioritize the self-care and guarding approach (hifdzun nafsi) so that our health and soul are maintained and maintained and can avoid the dangerous corona virus," said Anwar in his written statement.

Moreover, the nature of this virus is easily transmitted and passes from one person to another. So, in times like now, it's good for the public to wait until the authorities declare the virus can be contained.

MUI, said Anwar, appealed to MUI leaders in provincial and district / city areas to always coordinate with the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkompida) and experts, doctors and scientists.

The goal is that MUI in the regions can apply and implement fatwas properly and in accordance with the level of spread and transmission of COVID-19 in various regions.

"MUI appealed to MUI leaders in all provinces and districts / cities to always coordinate with Forkopimda and with local experts, doctors and scientists," he concluded.

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