JAKARTA - Since the opening of DKI Jakarta's new student admissions (PPDB), there has been a system error problem that has made it difficult for prospective students to create registration accounts.

Currently, the PPDB system in ppdb.jakarta.go.id has been repaired by the DKI Education Office team. Some prospective students have successfully registered for PPDB through the achievement path.

However, the Head of the Indonesian Ombudsman for the Greater Jakarta Representative, Teguh Nugroho, considers the failure of the provider to anticipate system problems, giving rise to potential discrimination for prospective students.

Because, in Article 10 Paragraph (2) of DKI Governor Regulation Number 32 of 2021, it is stated that if the number of prospective new students (CPBD) who register through the academic achievement path exceeds the capacity, then the selection is carried out in the order of total weighting of the academic achievement index, the order of choice school, and time of registration.

"If the registrant for the achievement path exceeds the quota, then one of the weighting values used is the time of registration. According to the Ombudsman, this has the potential to cause discrimination against the CPDB," said Teguh in a written statement, Wednesday, June 9.

The problem is, the CPDB can't register early because of a system failure provided by the provider and causes them to be left out of the registration time speed. Not out of laziness or of their own will.

Therefore, Teguh suggested that in order to avoid discrimination against the weighted values, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan could revoke Article 10 Paragraph (2) of Governor Regulation 32 of 2021.

"So, even those who enter last because they are hampered by system failures still have the same opportunities as those who managed to enter first," he said.

In addition, Teguh suggested another solution, namely to carry out the re-registration process starting from the beginning for the achievement path but with certainty that Telkom as the provider is able to provide service support so that there are no more obstacles like on the first day of PPDB.

For information, many residents complain that they cannot create an account to register for PPDB on the ppdb.jakarta.go.id page. The comment fields of social media accounts were filled with complaints from residents who had difficulty accessing PPDB.

Until finally, the public relations officer of the DKI Education Agency, Taga Radja Gah, apologized for the error in the DKI Jakarta New Student Admission System (PPDB). Taga admitted that his party had tried as much as possible.

"I apologize, on behalf of the government, on behalf of the Education Office, for the inconvenience of the PPDB service today. Because we are trying our best, but it is not optimal, there are still shortcomings," said Taga.

Taga explained, because many people were unable to access the DKI PPDB Report Value Data Collection System (Sidanira), the DKI Education Office had time to temporarily stop the PPDB registration.

The account submission process will be temporarily suspended on Monday, 7 June 2021 at 16.00-18.00 WIB. Then, the registration time will be extended until June 11 at 14.00 WIB.

"The possibility that will be carried out is a kind of cut off. The data that has been entered is detained first, held until how many hundreds of thousands, until the successful submission of an account. This is an example of one solution," he explained.

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