JAKARTA - Witness in the trial of the bribery case for the export license for fried shrimp and Edhy Prabowo's assistant, Sugianto admitted that he was asked to bring billions of cash. Requests to bring cash were made twice.

This confession was conveyed by the witness when the prosecutor asked about the daily duties of Edhy Prabowo's assistant. The prosecutor asked whether there was a request from Amiril Mukminin who was Edhy Prabowo's personal secretary (sespri).

"Ever asked by Amiril to bring money?" asked the prosecutor at the trial, Tuesday, June 8.

"Never," replied Sugianto

"When?" asked the prosecutor again.

"At that time, he went to Sukabumi," said Sugianto.

The prosecutor then reads out the contents of the examination report (BAP). Mentioned in the BAP about two requests to deliver money, namely to Bandung and Sukabumi.

"To Bandung, how much money did Amiril give?" asked the prosecutor.

"As far as I remember Rp 1.45 billion," said Sugianto.

Sugianto said the money was used to pay for the purchase of the villa. At that time, Sugianto went to Bandung with Aden and Dedi who were the younger brothers of Edhy Prabowo.

"Amiril had said it was to buy a villa owned by a friend," he said.

Then, Sugianto took the money to Sukabumi. He left with Edhy Pabowo's younger brother.

"I gave my second money again, which brought Rp. 1.5 billion which was carried in a suitcase," he said.

The money was also called to pay off the purchase of the villa. In fact, the newly paid villa uses his name as the rightful owner.

"He said (Amiril called the villa in Sugianto's name). He said when he handed over the first and second money that this was in my name," he said.

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