MEDAN - Dozens of parents visited the North Sumatra Education Office, Jalan Teuku Cik Ditiro, Medan City.

These parents complained that the New Student Admissions (PPDB) server was having problems. Monitoring at the location, these parents came with their children.

Merry Ginting, one of the parents who was present, explained that he came to complain because the input data was not in sync with the output.

"First, we have registered. My son from his achievements joined the achievement path. It turned out that after I printed out the registration proof, it was an affirmation route, it didn't work," said Merry, Tuesday, June 8.

Seeing that, Merry then went to SMA Negeri 1 Medan where his son registered. However, Merry said he had not received any answer.

"So we have complained to SMA (state) 1, there is no answer. So today, the second day we try again, it turns out that the choice of SMA 1 goes to SMA 2. We keep repeating it 10 times. All historical records are clear, it's still the same, " he said.

Regarding the presence of the parents of these students, the Secretary of the North Sumatra PPDB, Suhendri said that the public was not familiar with the registration system made by the Education Office.

"So I said earlier, if there are people because they don't know the application. Because today's people are not familiar with the device. It doesn't necessarily make the same mistake," said Suhendri.

According to him, errors that occur due to user errors made by prospective students in the registration process.

"Most of them have errors in using communication tools. Most of them use cellphones, then the cache, the history on the cellphones is not deleted. So friends, ladies and gentlemen of the community there, that's all," he said.

As a result of people's mistakes not deleting history and cache, causing problems in registering.

"Our school choices today are appropriate, meaning if for example something later appears that is not in accordance with the choice or is wrong or not visible because the registration system is not complete yet perfect and that is the initial obstacle why it appears because the cache or history has not been deleted by our society. So what appears is an obstacle," he said.

Currently, the Department of Education has conducted outreach to students in the hope of resolving the problem as soon as possible.

"But earlier there were some that we did education and tried to help. Alhamdulillah, it's clear. Today the handling is still here if the service branch has already handled it at the service branch so we share it. Even if they come here we are ready to serve. , the service that serves," he said.

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