JAKARTA - Joint forces consisting of the police, TNI, and Civil Service Police Unit raided the Camden Bar cafe in the Cikini area, Menteng, Central Jakarta for violating the health protocol during the micro PPKM period (Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities).

"We have given a written warning", said the Head of the Menteng Metro Sector Police Commissioner Rohman Yonky Dilatha to reporters, Tuesday, June 8.

Yonky said Camden Bar was proven to have violated health protocols because it operated above 21.00 WIB. In addition, many visitors are not wearing masks and do not keep their distance.

As a result, Camden Bar was forced to close at that time, and diners dispersed.

"We carry out an appeal to the people who gather to return to their respective homes to break the chain of spread", said Yonky.

In addition, the officers also searched other areas and found places that also violated the health protocol, namely Cafe Gaul and the culinary area in Sabang, Menteng.

Not only that, but his party also carried out patrols and dispersed motorcycle boys who were still hanging out to disperse, especially in the Menteng area. "There are those who are sanctioned and given a letter of reprimand and social sanctions sweep the streets", he said.

For information, Camden Bar has also been proven to have violated health protocols because it was still operating at around 00:45 WIB. This was revealed during a police patrol on Sunday, January 10.

At that time, 176 visitors to Camden Bar Menteng were dismissed for violating the transitional PSBB (Large-Scale Social Restriction) rules. At that time, the police also confiscated some evidence such as purchase receipts, visitor counters, and CCTV footage at the location.

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