JAKARTA - Vice President of the United States (US) Mike Pence has no plans to carry out independent isolation. Even though his press secretary had tested positive for the corona virus or COVID-19 and there were several opportunities that brought them direct contact. Pence will continue to carry out his daily duties at the White House.

Mike Pence said through his spokesman Devin O'Malley, he would follow advice from the White House Medical Unit but was not quarantined.

"In addition, Vice President Pence has tested negative every day and plans to be at the White House tomorrow," O'Malley said in the statement.

The announcement came as the US Government continued to urge leaders of various states in the US to start opening up their activities and economies amid the coronavirus pandemic to White House staff.

The main members of the COVID-19 task force have gone into self-isolation after coming into contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

One official said there was extreme sensitivity within the White House at this time. Officials acknowledge the contradiction in telling the country to reopen while the White House improves protocol to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

The official also said Pence's schedule may be shorter in the coming days, but that he is not self-isolating.

Mike Pence's press secretary, Katie Miller, tested positive for the corona virus. President Trump said Miller had not been in contact with him but noted he had been in contact with Pence.

"She is a wonderful young woman, Katie, she was tested very well for a long time and then suddenly she tested positive," Trump said during a meeting with Republican congressmen at the White House.

The news of Miller's positive for COVID-19 has everyone in the White House on edge. The source said that Katie Miller often communicated directly so that she had a lot of direct contact with many people for days.

Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases who is also a member of the US COVID-19 task force said he would begin self-isolation immediately. He previously had little contact with staff who tested positive for COVID-19.

US President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence (Photo: whitehouse.gov)
Trump's comments

Trump expressed concern that White House staff who contracted the corona virus contradicted his statement stating that the COVID-19 outbreak was decreasing.

In addition, Trump believes that the economy will return to its original state when state leaders decide to lift restrictions on activities and stop worrying about signs of the virus coming back.

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