JAKARTA - Former Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Roy Suryo reported several parties on suspicion of defamation. This report is also the aftermath of a traffic accident (accident).

In the first report, Roy Suryo reported Lucky Alamsyah. Their feud began when both claimed their car was grazed. Both admitted that they were victims of grazing.

After the incident, Lucky through his social media disclosed the incident. Roy who felt offended then reported the case to the Polda Metro Jaya with accusations of defamation.

The report is registered with LP/2669/V/YAN.2.5/2021/SPKT PMJ. Not long after the report, Roy was asked for information. Dozens of questions were raised by investigators during the examination process on Wednesday, June 2.

"Frankly, I forgot how many questions. He (Pitra Romadhoni) 23 questions, I was around that too," said Roy Suryo

In addition, during the examination which lasted for several hours, the investigators dug up Roy Suroyo's information regarding the subject matter. Roy was asked to explain about Lucky Alamsyah's upload.

"It's more about the details of the post and it was also asked whether I accessed it myself or I was just posted," he said.

In the examination, not only Roy who was questioned. Several witnesses who were considered to have knowledge of the alleged defamation were also clarified.

"(Inspection) Simultaneously 3 witnesses, each of which is Mr. Heru Nugroho, Mrs. Teresia and an important witness, namely Pitra Romadoni," said Roy.

Two days later, Roy returned to Polda Metro Jaya. His visit was aimed at reporting two social media activists, Eko Kuntadhi and Mazdjo Pray, on suspicion of defamation.

In the report, Roy Suryo did not accept it because the two social media activists made videos that were uploaded to the Youtube 2045 TV account. Where, the video contains the problem of a traffic accident between Roy Suryo and Lucky Alamsyah.

"Because the contents are full of insults and slander. What he tells in this is that he tried to tell the incident of my accident with my LA brother, but from his version, the facts have been twisted," said Roy Suryo.

Not only that, Roy also mentioned that the two social media activists had mentioned the issue of procurement of goods at the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Even though the matter was firmly stated, Roy already had permanent legal force or inkrah. Where, Roy Suryo was not involved in the case.

"So thank God if there are other people who mention the term pot, it's already inkrah because the IN (Imam Nahrawi) or Menpora after my replacement, who is currently studying, had sued me at the South Jakarta District Court and thank God because it was proven that the accusation of embezzlement was not there, he withdraws his lawsuit and he pays the case, which means he loses and that's inkrah," he explained.

The report was registered with the number LP/B/2865/VI/2021/SPKT/Polda Metro Jaya. The two social media activists were charged with Article 27 paragraph 3 junto Article 45 of the ITE Law, and Article 310 of the Criminal Code junto Article 311 of the Criminal Code.

In this case, investigators have scheduled an examination of Roy Suryo. He will be questioned as the reporting party on Monday, June 7.

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