GROBOGAN - TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto and National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit, together with BNPB Head Ganip Warsito and Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo, directly inspected vaccinations in Grobogan district, Central Java.

General Sigit said that the TNI-Polri had conducted a survey in Central Java regarding COVID-19 in Kudus. Because this condition has an impact on the area on the border with the Kudus Regency which has soared COVID-19 cases.

"We have reviewed several regencies in Central Java, including Cilacap, Pati Kudus, Blora and Grobogan. For the Kudus area, take steps by adding PPKM Micro personnel with the strength of the TNI and Polri," said Sigit in his written statement, Sunday, June 6.

This addition, continued the National Police Chief to carry out tracing until further PCR examinations. Meanwhile, COVID-19 sufferers who are self-isolating at home will be evacuated to the Donohudan Dormitory.

"Because there is one of the referral centers for self-isolation that we have prepared for health workers and treatment. Then gradually, we will also prepare reference places in the Kudus area, so that then we have two areas that we have prepared, namely the Kudus area and Donohudan," said Sigit.

The National Police Chief said that for border areas, the numbers are still under control, but Kudus's situation must be controlled, so that it doesn't spread.

The National Police Chief emphasized the need to strengthen 3M education, Micro PPKM, compliance with the use of masks. Health protocols must be constantly reminded to the public.

Meanwhile, the TNI Commander, Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, revealed that the COVID-19 problem is a shared responsibility, not just the government, TNI or Polri. But this is a shared responsibility in breaking the chain of COVID-19.

Marshal Hadi said that currently the government, TNI and Polri need the participation of the community to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. At a minimum, he said, everyone reminded each other to be disciplined about the health protocol, namely 3 M (wearing masks, washing hands and avoiding crowds).

"By way of the pattern running in accordance with the direction, first to make the situation healthy, secondly to provide insight to the community, the three Micro PPKMs must be more optimal in handling COVID in Kudus and Grobogan," said the TNI Commander.

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