INDRAMAYU - The cultural heritage team consisting of the West Java Archaeological Center, the Banten Cultural Heritage Preservation Center, and the Indramayu Regency Cultural Heritage Expert Team, discovered a building structure in the form of stacked bricks at the Sambimaya site. This site was found at a depth of 1 meter.

"We will continue to trace the direction of the structure found by this team," said the head of the archaeological research team at the Sambimaya Site, Nanang Saptono in Indramayu, quoted by Antara, Friday, June 4.

Nanang said that the findings of this building structure will be continued by conducting archaeological excavations around the location of the findings.

According to him, to confirm the structure of the building, the team re-opened the excavation box around the location of the discovery.

"In addition to finding the structure of the building, we also found fragments of local pottery and bricks that were scattered throughout the structure," he said.

Meanwhile, archaeologist from BPCB Banten Sonny Prasetiya Wibawa indicated that the discovery of the B8 S4 excavation box brick structure at the Dingkel 1 site was independent and not related to the findings of the corner on the south side during excavations in December 2020.

"It looks like this structure stands alone. But to make sure we will open a new excavation box," he said.

Sonny hopes that the findings of the building structure can answer the suspicions that develop in the community whether it is a temple building or another building.**

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