JAKARTA-Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, MAP, a figure who grew up as an academic, was appointed as the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) of the Advanced Indonesian Cabinet for the 2019-2024 period. This is the second time he has been entrusted by President Jokowi to join him again, after previously in July 2016 he was appointed as Minister of Education and Culture in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet yesterday.

Muhadjir Effendy is the Coordinating Minister for PMK who will oversee the acceleration of poverty alleviation, national solidarity and mental revolution, "


The former Chancellor of Muhammadiyah University replaces Puan Maharani who changes as Chair of the 2019-2024 DPR-RI He was chosen based on the expectations of the Jokowi administration's goals in the second term to put more emphasis on the human resource sector over other sectors. Sixteen years as a Chancellor and two years ago playing the role of Minister of Education and Culture replacing Anies Baswedan, Jokowi felt that it was sufficient for Jokowi to carry out tasks that revolve more around coordination and synchronization.

Through Presidential Regulation Number 9 of 2015, which discusses the Coordinating Minister for PMK, this ministry is tasked with coordinating, synchronizing and controlling Ministry affairs in the administration of government in the field of human development and culture of the Republic of Indonesia.

His duties as Coordinating Minister for PMK also oversees the 9 ministries under his ministry, including: Ministry of Religion, Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Research and Technology, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Areas and Transmigration, Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection , The Ministry of Youth and Sports, and other agencies deemed necessary.

Who is Muhadjir Effendy

The sixth child of the pair Soeroja and Sri Soebita was once identified as the name Muhammadiyah, the largest Islamic organization in Indonesia. He started his academic profession as a teacher, then topped the position of Chancellor for three periods: 2000-2004, 2004-2008, and 2008-February 2016. Since childhood, his perseverance was a strong desire to continue learning, never felt enough and was thirsty for science. Muhadjir's father worked as a madrasa teacher and principal who was active in the organizational movement, an activist of the Masyumi Party, a Sukarnoist adherent who loved the art of wayang and played the role of a puppeteer and also a shadow puppet craftsman.

He earned Muhadjir's bachelor's degree in social education in 1982 at IKIP Malang (now UIN Malang). He continued his public administration degree (MAP) in 1996 at Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta, then completed the third degree in military sociology doctoral program in 2008 through Airlangga University, Surabaya.

Had received a short education in the management of higher education in Canada through Victoria University in 1991. Two years later in 1993, he took a short course in the field of security and defense at the National Defense University, Washington DC, United States.

During his youth, he was active as a campus journalist and active as a columnist for print media, he was very concerned about religious, educational, social, political, and military issues which he found interesting to be analyzed and expressed in a writing.

Muhadjir's writings when he was young were recorded in Semesta Surabaya Magazine, Koran Warta Mahasiswa (Dirjen Dikti), Koran Mimbar Univ. Brawijaya, Student Weekly (Surabaya), and also the originator of BESTARI news in 1986, a special print media for the campus of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

For his dedicated contribution, he was once elected as the General Chairman of the Indonesian Journalists Association, Malang Raya Representatives.

It doesn't feel good to just express everything on his mind in the form of a writing for him, that's why he decided his passion through his choice to be active in several wheels of the organization. His choice for a long time being involved in the movement of the Muhammadiyah Islamic organization finally brought him as Deputy Chair of the Regional Leadership for East Java for the five years period 2005-2010. In the following ten years from 2015 to 2020 he was elected as Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah for Higher Education, Research and Development. A field that he has loved for a long time. Not only Muhammadiyah, his great curiosity allows him to exist in various other organizational segments in the future.

Apart from Muhammadiyah, he is also the Chairman of the Central Board of the Private Islamic Higher Education Cooperation Agency (BKS-PTIS), the Council of Experts of the Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Association (ICMI) East Java, member of the East Java Regional Research Council, advisor to the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), The Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI), and the Indonesian Public Relations Association (Perhumas).

At one time, he fell in love with his fellow teaching lecturer at Malang Polytechnic, Suryan Widati, the woman's name. A woman who eventually married Muhadjir Effendy and was blessed with a third, Muktam Roya Azidan, Senoshaumi Hably, and Harbantyo Ken Najjar.

Some of the papers during his busy past as a student of the faculty of social education include: The World of Higher Education and Student Affairs in 1989, The Interest of Education in 1992, Equilibrium Society: Minimizing Changes in the Balance Frame in 2002, Pedagogy of Humanity: A Multidimensional Reflection in 2004, Military Professionalism : TNI professionalism in 2008, and TNI identity and profession: a 2009 phenomenological study.

Zoning System

After Muhadjir Effendy's appointment as Minister of Education and Culture after Anies Baswedan died in July 2016, he dared to step on the gas to produce an unpopular concept and was at risk of controversy at that time, which was popularly known as the zoning system among the public. Starting with the New Student Admissions (PPDB) and then spreading to the distribution of teaching teachers and increasing teacher competence. As stated in Permendikbud No.51/2018 created by Muhadjir Effendy, which explains about the 2019 New Student Admissions (PPDB) using the zoning route.

So, mapping the selection of new student candidates prioritizes the distance of their closest residence to the school within the stipulated zoning radius. Based on the distance from the Village / Subdistrict Office to the school. What if the distances between students are similar? then what is prioritized are those prospective students who first register at the beginning. The public thinks there are too many controversial sides, but in Muhadjir's eyes, this system will equalize the quality and prestige of schools that were previously considered superior and can only be enjoyed by certain students based on reference values, now can be enjoyed in a wider scope.

“There must be no favoritism. We must change the mindset of 'castanization' and 'favoritism' in such education. Selection in zoning is allowed only for placement, ”said Muhadjir Effendy while serving as Minister of Education and Culture.

Although at the beginning of the implementation of this program there were still many shortcomings, and many ombudsmen were afraid of the existence of loopholes in extortion, or falsification of student data, the continuation of his initiation program was still ongoing. In the past, the favorite school consisted of smart and 'choice' students, that has changed and could open the door of opportunity for any student around the domicile zone. The zoning program that was initiated by his uncle turned out to be two of his nephews in Sidoarjo.

After Muhadjir Effendy no longer held a post at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Nadiem Makarim, the former founder of technology startup Gojek, was chosen, Nadiem's decision to eliminate the National Examination system as a crucial factor in determining student graduation, received full support from him. Even though he has officially departed from the Ministry of Education and Culture, Muhadjir messages to his successors there so that he doesn't forget some priorities that must be pursued, namely regarding character strengthening, accelerating the Indonesia Smart Card, and revitalizing vocational high schools (SMK).

When he became Minister of Education and Culture, Muhadjir Effendy presented an incident that had a deep meaning, how the parents of Musa, La Ode Abu Hanafi and Yulianti were awarded an official certificate of appreciation for the gratitude from the state to their son, Musa. Musa was a 7 year old child who won third place in the International Hifzhil Qur'an Musabaqah in Egypt in April 2016. The small and youngest boy managed to bring the name of Indonesia to the scent and make his parents proud. The award is intended, that whoever makes positive achievements in any scope, there is a mentor who neatly presents the positive sciences in life, be it academic, religious, or social.

Examining the Coordinating Minister for PMK

His statement after being inaugurated in October, expressed his wish that the quota for honorary teachers would continue to be accepted for PNS / PPPK, even though the number of honorary staff who passed the status of Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) in 2018-2019 was still below the quota provided. The high number of stunting is around 27 percent in 2019, prompting Muhadjir Effendy with the help of the Ministry of PUPR to form a task force (task force) that is devoted to tackling malnutrition in the dissertation of proper sanitation procurement.

His new position as Coordinating Minister for PMK in early 2020 was faced with tough decisions regarding the deficit in the state budget, the permanent decision to increase the BPJS contribution by 100 percent was formalized through Presidential Decree Number 75 of 2019. Not long ago resulted in 372,000 BPJS participants choosing to downgrade the BPJS class.

Recently in early May 2010, he had an argument with Anies Baswedan, the Governor of DKI Jakarta. The difference in data on recipients of social assistance from the DKI Jakarta provincial government and the central government was highlighted by Muhadjir Effendy. The inequality in the number of 2.5 million poor recipients of social assistance according to the DKI Jakarta government's version is different after the central government re-verified that it turns out that there are 1.3 million poor people. Indeed, in the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, there is often miscommunication and miscoordination between local governments and the central government.

The problem is getting more complicated. It turns out that there are families that should receive social assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs in fact receiving similar assistance from the DKI Jakarta government. On the other hand, those who should be entitled to receive this aid do not enjoy this crucial assistance.

Muhadjir Effendy Interesting Facts

Merit Award. Merit Award. In 2010 Muhadjir Effendy was rewarded with Satya Lencana Karya Satya XX for his success in bringing the name of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang as the best private campus nationwide.

Still As a Lecturer. Since 1986 his work in the world of education has continued with his status as a Permanent Lecturer at the State University of Malang.

Active Writing Baladewa Books, Like Watching Dahlan Muda, and Muhammadiyah and Education in Indonesia are the works of Muhadjir Effendy.

Muhadjir Effendy's profile

Full Name Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, MAP

Profession Academic, Bureaucrat

Degree / TitelS-1: Bachelor of Education (S.Ip) S-2: Master of Public Administration (MAP) S-3: Doctor of Social Sciences (Dr.)

Place and Date of Birth: Madiun, East Java, July 29, 1956


Parents Soeroja Sri Soebita

Spouse Suryan Widati SE, MSA, Ak. CA.

Son of Muktam Roya AzidanSenoshaumi Hably Harbantyo Ken Najjar

Assets IDR 81,007,102,922 (2018 / LHKPN)



2008S-3: Doctoral Program in Social Sciences, Postgraduate Program at Airlangga University Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

1996S-2: Masters Program in Public Administration (MAP), Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta, Central Java, Indonesia

1982S-1: Bachelor of Social Education, IKIP Malang (UIN Malang)

1978 Young Scholars, Fac. Tarbiyah IAIN Malang, Central Java, Indonesia

1974PGAN 6 Years, Madiun, East Java, Indonesia

1972PGAN 4 Years, Madiun, East Java, Indonesia

1968 SD Al-Islam, Madiun, East Java, Indonesia


Additional Education


Visiting Program Regional Security and Defense Policy, National Defense University, Washington DC, United States


Long term course, The Management for Higher Education, Victoria University, British Columbia, Canada


Career Journey

2019-present Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Cabinet of Indonesia Maju

2016-2019 Minister of Education and Culture, Indonesian Cabinet of Work

2008-2011 Indonesian Journalists Advisory Board (PWI) Malang Raya

2008-2016 Rector of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, East Java

2004-2008 Rector of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, East Java

2000-2004 Rector of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, East Java

2010-2015 Member of the Expert Council of the Association of Indonesian Muslim Scholars (ICMI), East Java

2010-present: Advisor to the East Java Educational Administration Scholars Association

2010-2014 Coach of the Indonesian Student Sports Agency (BAPOMI), East Java Province

2000-2005 Deputy Chair of the Muhammadiyah East Java Regional Leadership

1996-2000 Vice Rector I / academic affairs, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, East Java

1984-1996 Vice Rector III / Student Affairs, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, East Java

1986-present Permanent Lecturer at IKIP Malang (now University of Muhammadiyah Malang)

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