JAKARTA - Head of the Pontianak City Health Office, West Kalimantan, Sidig Handanu said the occupancy rate or the occupancy of the isolation room for handling COVID-19 patients at hospitals in Pontianak was very worrying. sick, and based on the latest data, the ICU occupancy rate has reached 80 percent, although the number fluctuates every day but it is very worrying," said Sidiq Handanu in Pontianak, reported by Antara, Friday, May 4. is now quite high, ranging from 70 to 80 percent. "From these data, it can be concluded that the occupancy rate of isolation rooms for handling COVID-19 in Pontianak City is quite worrying," he said. According to Sidiq, because the occupancy rate is already at a critical level, namely 70 to 80 percent, even if it is above it can said to be overloaded. "To overcome this, the Pontianak City Government and the West Kalimantan Provincial Government are trying to anticipate, both upstream and downstream. sick," he said.

Sidiq added that efforts to increase the number of beds have been carried out, but there must be limits. "We have increased the number of beds for COVID-19 isolation, from the previous 262 units to 343 units, both private and government hospitals, meaning that we have added quite a lot," he said. the rate of transmission is not getting massive. "Policies must be carried out from upstream to downstream. From upstream, namely PPKM (Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities) micro with reduced activity, then downstream there must be isolation and treatment efforts must be increased," he said. to the public to continue to apply health protocols, such as always wearing masks, diligently washing hands with soap, and maintaining distance in preventing and breaking the chain of the spread of COVID-19.

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