MEDAN - A man named Roni Trio Sitompul (38), had the heart to kill his boss, Gatot Daniel Pardede (50) using an ax.

This sadistic murder took place in Sei Apung Village, Kualuh Hilir District, North Labuhanbatu Regency (Labura), North Sumatra, Tuesday, June 1.

Labuhan Batu Police Chief, AKBP Deni Kurniawan said the incident occurred at around 21.30 WIB. At that time, Roni went to Gatot's house.

AKBP Deni said Roni had been Gatot's employee for loading and unloading palm oil since July 2020. However, while working, Roni was often scolded by the victim with harsh words that made the perpetrator's emotions peak.

"Then the suspect called the victim to ask the victim's language meaning, which (often) was not pleasing to the suspect. (He) felt hurt by the victim's words," said AKBO Deni to reporters, Wednesday, June 2.

When approaching the victim, the perpetrator brought an ax. Undaunted by his subordinates, Gatot again cursed Roni with dirty words, resulting in a quarrel between the two.

"Then the suspect pushed the door so that the victim bounced, then the suspect attacked the victim with an ax, resulting in a number of injuries to the victim's body. Starting from head to toe," he said.

At the time of the incident, Gatot's family tried to help by bringing him to the Aek Kanopan Hospital.

"But the victim died on the way," said Deni.

After receiving reports from residents, the police, said Deni, immediately arrested the perpetrators. However, AKBP Deni did not specify the arrest process.

Several pieces of evidence were also seized, including the ax used by the perpetrators. According to the police, the murder plan has been prepared by the perpetrators since May 2021. The peak occurred, on Tuesday, June 1 at 14.00 WIB. While working, Roni was again cursed with dirty words.

"Then at 21.00 WIB the suspect came to the victim's house with an ax and attacked the victim with the ax," said Deni.


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For his actions, the suspect is threatened with Article 340 of the Criminal Code, subsidiary to Article 338 of the Criminal Code with the heaviest threat of death penalty or life imprisonment.

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