JAKARTA - Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto revealed the discussion in a working meeting with Commission I of the DPR. Prabowo explained Indonesia's main defense-security master plan related to the budget.

"We gave an explanation, we focused on the 2022 budget. I was asked to explain the concept of the master plan going forward, we have prepared it," Prabowo said after attending a meeting at the DPR building, Wednesday, June 2.

Prabowo said the plan was still being discussed jointly between the Ministry of Defense (Kemenhan), the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), and other stakeholders.

"We're still working on it," he said.

According to him, many of Indonesia's main weapons systems (defense equipment) are old and urgently need to be replaced.

"Many of our old defense systems are urgently needing to be replaced," said Prabowo.

"The needs are very important and we are prepared to face the dynamics of the strategic environment that is developing very rapidly," he added.

However, Prabowo was reluctant to explain in detail the draft Presidential Regulation (Perpres) regarding the Fulfillment of the Defense and Security Equipment Needs of the Ministry of Defense and the Indonesian National Army for 2020-2024 (Alpalhankam). Including the matter of the budget needed to reach Rp. 1,788 trillion.

Prabowo only explained that the foreign loan plan which will be regulated in the Presidential Regulation on Alpalhankam is being discussed and planned.

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