JAKARTA - Member of the Expert Team for the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19, Budi Santoso, said that most young people are not aware that they have been infected. So that you don't feel like a virus carrier that can infect other people.

"For young people, mostly there are no symptoms or no classic symptoms of COVID-19 which we often refer to as people without symptoms," Budi said during an online press conference broadcast by the BNPB Indonesia YouTube account which was monitored in Jakarta, Wednesday.

Budi said that people without symptoms are often silent killers. Young people often have the wrong perception that the only symptom is the common cold, so they don't feel like they are carriers of a virus that can infect other people who may be more susceptible.

According to Budi, the corona virus that causes COVID-19 is basically the same as other corona viruses that cause other diseases, but it is much more aggressive.

"Much of the information that has been disseminated about COVID-19 has been correct and helps educate the public," he said.

Budi, who is one of the experts from young people in the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19, said that young people can participate in breaking the chain of transmission of COVID-19 by disciplining their body condition and the latest information about COVID-19.

"The application 'Unite against COVID' can be downloaded and is very useful. Millennials rather than at home doing nothing or just doing routine, can do more useful things by utilizing this application," he said.

Budi said that young people who feel that their bodies are not too healthy can check their body condition using the application "Bersatu Against COVID" as well as checking the level of vulnerability in their respective areas.

"The best education in the community, especially for young people. When people are educated, the infection cases will decrease and it can reduce the medical workload," he explained.

Positive Covid-19 Continues to Increase

The number of positive cases of COVID-19 continues to grow. 367 positive patients increased from the results of testing 128,383 specimens in the laboratory. So that the number of positive cases became 12,438 people.

For positive cases that have recovered, currently the number has increased by 120, bringing the total to 2,317 people. While those who died, the number increased by 23 people with a total of 895 people.

As for the number of people under surveillance (ODP), currently the number has increased by 1,500. So that the total reaches 240,726 people, most of whom are declared to have finished their monitoring period and are in good condition.

Meanwhile, the number of patients under surveillance (PDP) waiting for the results of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test has increased by 524. So that the total is 26,932 people and from the accumulated data of each province some of them have completed treatment and are declared free of COVID-19.

Therefore, the government again reminded people to be disciplined and obey health protocols. Thus, new cases can be suppressed.

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