1,271 KPK Officers Appointed As ASN On Pancasila's Birthday

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will inaugurate thousands of its employees as ASN. The inauguration will be carried out online and offline at the KPK Juang Building Hall on Tuesday, June 1, coinciding with Pancasila's Birthday.

"The inauguration will be attended by 1,271 employees," said Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, to reporters on Monday, May 31.

This online and offline implementation is carried out as a form of implementing health protocols. According to the plan, there are 53 representatives of employees and structural officials who come offline.

"The rest of the employees took part in the inauguration through an online application and were required to take attendance and show proof of attendance," he said.

Ali explained that the series of inauguration consisted of the inauguration and taking of oaths or promises of civil servants and the oaths of positions of the Middle High Leaders; Primary High Leadership and Administrator positions.

"KPK will broadcast the entire series of activities directly through the KPK Youtube Channel," he said.

As previously reported, the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron, explained that the Pancasila Birth Day was specifically chosen to show the sense of Pancasila for the employees who were inaugurated as ASN. This inauguration is a mandate from the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019.

It's just that in the midst of this inauguration, the polemic about the National Insight Test Assessment (TWK) is still going on. This is because 75 KPK employees, including Novel Baswedan et al, did not pass the test.

As a result, the KPK will fire 51 employees who are deemed to have received red points from assessors because they cannot be trained. Meanwhile, 24 of them can still be fostered with education in defending the country and national insight although if they do not pass, they can also be fired.

The implementation of this TWK then received the spotlight because there were many irregularities in its implementation. Including, how the questions asked in the interview session between employees and assessors are considered to touch the private sphere.

Employees have also reported alleged violations in the TWK process to various parties, one of which is Komnas HAM and the investigation is ongoing.

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