JAKARTA - Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Zainudin Amali opened the 2021 PSSI (All-Indonesian Football Association) Congress in Jakarta. In his speech, the Minister of Youth and Sports emphasized that the government and PSSI have always been compact and trust each other.

That cohesiveness and trust, said Amali, made the football atmosphere in Indonesia in good condition and able to run in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. "The ecosystem, a good football atmosphere makes people's trust appear. That's why now some suddenly want to buy a club, such as Raffi Ahmad (acquired Cilegon United), Mas Kaesang (Kaesang Pangarep who bought Persis Solo)," said the Minister of Youth and Sports as reported by Antara on Saturday. , May 29. The Golkar Party politician also emphasized that during his tenure, there was never any negative news about the relationship between the government and PSSI. According to him, everything is going in harmony, and one of the manifestations of this solid partnership is the 2021 Menpora Cup pre-season tournament on March 21-25 April.

Iwan Bule memberikan sambutan di Kongres PSSI. (Foto Antara)
Menpora Zainudin Amali gave a speech at the PSSI Congress. (Intermediate Photo)

To carry out the competition, PSSI and the government routinely coordinate and communicate so that in the end the 2021 Menpora Cup can run almost without problems. "The General Chairperson of PSSI and the President Director of PT Liga Indonesia Baru (LIB) (Akhmad Hadian Lukita) and all related parties are extremely committed," said the Menpora. PSSI Associations of Provinces, Regencies and Cities throughout Indonesia work hand in hand with local governments. "If the government and PSSI are united, our football will definitely progress," said the man from Gorontalo.

Meanwhile, PSSI General Chair Mochamad Iriawan alias Iwan Bule also expressed his gratitude to the government, especially President Joko Widodo and Menpora Zainudin Amali who continue to pay attention to the development of national football. "Alhamdulillah, the Minister always remembers football," said Iriawan.

PSSI Congress Participants

The PSSI Ordinary Congress was held starting at 14.00 WIB at a hotel in the Kuningan area, Jakarta, Saturday. This event was attended by 87 PSSI voters, delegates and invitees.

Quoted from the official PSSI website in Jakarta, Saturday, there were 87 voters who would attend the congress. Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Zainudin Amali, representatives from the Indonesian National Sports Committee and the Indonesian Sports Committee are also scheduled to attend. Then, there were also delegates from FIFA and AFC who took part in the event virtually. The 87 PSSI voters were 34 provincial associations, 18 League 1 teams, 16 League 2 teams, 16 League 3 teams and three associations under the auspices of PSSI, namely the Futsal Association. Indonesia, the Indonesian Women's Football Association and the Indonesian Coaches Association. "Hopefully the congress will be successful, smooth and all can carry out the results of the congress. I also express high appreciation to Mr. Menpora and a number of other invitees who are willing to attend," said PSSI General Chair Mochamad Iriawan .

Kongres PSSI. (Antara)
The PSSI congress was attended by 87 voters. (Among)

The PSSI 2021 ordinary congress feels different from similar activities in previous years because it was carried out in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 prevention health protocols were also implemented at the venue, one of which was by requiring all congress participants to undergo a swab test for several antigens. hours before the event starts. Other procedures that must be followed by congress participants are wearing masks, keeping as much distance as possible at the event location and always washing hands with cleaning liquid which is placed at several points in the location.

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