JAKARTA - The Garut Resort Police arrested a drunk man carrying a sharp weapon in an attack on the offices of the Military District Command (Koramil) and Pameungpeuk Police, Garut Regency, West Java, to legally account for his actions. people," said Head of the Sub-Division of Public Relations of the Garut Police, Ipda Muslih Hidayat in Garut, reported by Antara, Saturday, May 29. He conveyed that the people who were detained were Dadang Buaya (49) as the perpetrators of the attack, and his subordinate Henriawan (32) Garut residents, they taken some time after visiting the Pameungpeuk Koramil Headquarters and Pameungpeuk Police, Friday, May 28 afternoon. In addition to securing the person who was known to be drunk, said Muslih, the security forces have also confiscated evidence of sharp weapons that the perpetrators brought during the attack on the Pameungpeuk Koramil headquarters. "Dadang Crocodile with a group of approximately 15 people came to the Pameungpeuk Koramil looking for brother Saprudin (a member of the TNI), but was driven away by members of the Koramil and managed to secure several blades (sharp weapons) in the form of a machete, samurai, and egrek from Dadang's brother's car," he said. Muslih said the incident began when Dadang Buaya was riding a motorcycle almost collided with a fisherman who had just returned from fishing at Sayang Heulang Beach, Garut, Friday, May 28 (morning). The fisherman then reprimanded him, but Dadang did not accept it and an argument ensued, and even threatened to use a sharp weapon. The fisherman then asked his brother for help. TNI members from Bogor who were returning from leave in Pameungpeuk, Garut, then tried to resolve the dispute between the two people. However, the settlement efforts failed, resulting in a fight between TNI members and Dadang Buaya, even the police officers who tried to break up were attacked by Dadang. by hitting and slamming it. "The commotion Sil was subsided, disbanded by members of the Pameungpeuk Police," said Muslih.

Not long after that incident, Dadang and his friends went to the Pameungpeuk Koramil Headquarters to look for the TNI members who had fought with him, but their arrival was prevented by members of the Pameungpeuk Koramil. Next, Dadang and his friends went to the Pameungpeuk Police Headquarters to look for police officers. who were previously involved in a fight, even Dadang had time to attack other police officers, until they were finally dispersed. "Dadang attacked a member of the Pameungpeuk Police, brother of Bripka Uun, but managed to break up and the group of Dadang's brothers were sent home," he said. The local police and TNI members coordinated until Dadang finally arrested at his home and then taken to the Garut Police Headquarters. "After the incident, the situation in Pameungpeuk is conducive," he said.

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